NewsCorona dead vaccine: Valneva boss with urgent warning to...

Corona dead vaccine: Valneva boss with urgent warning to unvaccinated people

Numerous unvaccinated people are waiting for the approval of dead corona vaccines. The boss of a manufacturer addresses the unvaccinated with an appeal.

Frankfurt – In Germany only 69.7% of people are vaccinated against the coronavirus. In the middle of the fourth wave of pandemics, new infections with Sars-CoV-2 are increasing at the same time. Many of them affect people who have not been vaccinated, often from risk groups. One reason why some people have not yet been vaccinated against Corona * is that they are waiting for so-called dead vaccines. These are vaccines of the traditional kind. A dead vaccine only contains killed viruses and does not multiply in the body after the vaccination, as Martina Sester, professor of immunology at Saarland University, explains to the BR.

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research defines inactivated vaccines as follows: “Inactivated vaccines contain killed, ie no longer capable of reproducing pathogens. This also includes vaccines that only contain components or individual molecules of these pathogens. Depending on the type of production and the degree of purification, one speaks of whole virus, split or subunit vaccines. Examples are vaccines against hepatitis A (whole virus) and influenza (split and subunit vaccines). “

Corona dead vaccine – Valneva boss emphasizes: “I don’t advise anyone to wait for our vaccine”

One such dead vaccine is Vanleva’s remedy. The vaccine is currently undergoing accelerated testing by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and could therefore soon be approved in the EU. * Despite the possible early approval of the dead corona vaccine, the boss of Valneva has now advised against waiting: “I don’t advise anyone on our vaccine to wait, ”said Thomas Lingelbach to the news magazine Spiegel. This approach is simply “ethically unacceptable”.

Corona-Totimpfstoff von Valneva


Valneva’s inactivated corona vaccine arouses great expectations.

“Get vaccinated now,” he appealed to the unvaccinated population. In an interview, he justified this appeal by saying that it could still be weeks or months before the Valneva vaccine actually comes onto the market. Lingelbach emphasized that he had recently received a booster vaccination with the corona vaccine * from Biontech / Pfizer *.

Corona dead vaccine: EU has a contract with Valneva

It is hardly surprising that the Valneva vaccine is now part of an accelerated approval process in the European Union. The EU itself has signed a contract with Valneva for 60 million vaccine doses.

The EU also has a contract with the manufacturer Novavax, whose vaccine is also about to be approved *, in which case over 100 million vaccine doses. This vaccine, too, has often been referred to as the dead vaccine – wrongly. * As the Novavax company writes on its website, their vaccine is a protein-based vaccine candidate. Why is the vaccine often declared as a dead vaccine? Health Minister Karl Lauterbach * explained it on Twitter as follows: “Because so many unvaccinated people only want dead vaccine, for whatever reason, Novavax will soon be available as such.” (Tu) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

Headline list image: © Justin Tallis / AFP

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