NewsCorona drama in pregnant women with Covid-19 - two...

Corona drama in pregnant women with Covid-19 – two unborn babies die

Corona drama in Baden-Württemberg: Two babies are born dead. Their mothers were previously sick with Covid-19.

Stuttgart – stillbirths due to the corona virus? Two cases of dead babies have now become known in Baden-Württemberg. Their mothers were sick with Covid-19, and the unborn babies also tested positive for Corona.

The two babies now appear as a number in the August Corona * statistics, almost hidden in a table from the Baden-Württemberg State Health Office. The regional council of Stuttgart recently confirmed the two stillbirths to the news portal “They occurred in August 2021 and were reported directly to the responsible health authorities.”

Two dead corona babies: Stiko recommendation for pregnant women is pending

The news pours fuel on the fire of the pregnant women debate. In Germany, the Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) is about to make a decision: It is about the question of whether a vaccination recommendation should generally be made for pregnant women. In the USA *, the US health authority CDC has already expanded its vaccination recommendation.

In Germany, however, this general recommendation is still pending. Pregnant women are demonstrably exposed to an increased risk from the coronavirus. And as the cases in Baden-Württemberg show: their babies too. According to the report, the mothers of said children were not vaccinated and contracted Covid-19.

Corona cases in unborn babies: British study shows frequency

Will the August cases cause a rethink? “Due to the small number of two cases, no reliable statement can be made on this,” said the Stuttgart Regional Council. Studies show otherwise.

Because: As a study from England performed by with around 340,000 evaluated births reveals, stillbirths have increased due to the corona virus. According to this, 30 babies were stillborn in 3527 mothers infected with corona. That makes a rate of 8.5 per 1000 births. In the case of pregnant women who tested negative, the rate was 3.5 per 1000 births. For comparison: the proportion of stillbirths in Germany in the past few years was just under 4 per 1000.

The complete vaccination recommendation for pregnant women by the Stiko * is still missing. (nc) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

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