NewsCorona entry into Austria: Ski vacationers have to be...

Corona entry into Austria: Ski vacationers have to be prepared for this because of Omikron

In Austria, the corona rules for entry are tightened because of Omikron. Ski vacationers have to be prepared for changes over Christmas.

Vienna – Austria tightened its entry regulations to contain the Corona variant Omikron. According to the Ministry of Health, only people who have valid 2G proof are allowed into the country until further notice. Specifically, this means that they have to be vaccinated three times or have recovered. If you don’t have a booster vaccination, you have to submit a PCR test. Otherwise the travelers would have to be quarantined immediately.

Switzerland relaxed the entry regulations against it. While a PCR test has been required for entry into the country for vaccinated persons since the beginning of December, a rapid antigen test will be sufficient from December 20, which was carried out a maximum of 24 hours before the border was crossed. In addition, vaccinated and convalescent people no longer have to undergo a second test after four to seven days, as was previously the case. This corona rule only remains in force for unvaccinated people.

Corona entry rules: Omikron ensures home quarantine in Austria

In Austria, the new regulation will come into force on Monday (December 20th, 2021), as the Ministry of Health announced on Friday evening. The spread of the Omikron variant of the coronavirus in countries such as South Africa, Great Britain and Denmark is a cause for concern not only in Austria, but also in Germany.

Home quarantine in Austria should only be ended if a PCR test was carried out after entry and a negative result was confirmed. Pregnant women and people who cannot be vaccinated for health reasons are excluded from the 2G proof. The reason for the exception must be proven by a medical certificate. There are also special rules for children. For commuters, the usual 3G rule will remain.

As of Saturday (December 18, 2021), the Federal Foreign Office has issued a partial travel warning for Austria due to Covid-19. The municipalities Mittelberg and Jungholz and the Riss valley in the municipality of Vomp and Eben am Achensee are excluded from the warning. The Federal Foreign Office provides all travel and safety information for Austria.

Entry into Austria: The spread of the Corona variant Omikron is to be restricted

“These stricter entry regulations bring with them great challenges, especially for people who travel abroad over the Christmas holidays. However, they are necessary at this point in time in order to counteract the spread of Omikron in Austria, “said Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein (Greens).

School-age children are allowed to enter the country with sufficient test evidence, which means around three tests per week. The rules do not affect children under the age of twelve either. People who have been infected with the Corona variant Omikron in South Africa are showing unusual symptoms. (jey / dpa)

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