NewsCorona in Germany: Incidence falls again - RKI reports...

Corona in Germany: Incidence falls again – RKI reports 125,900 new infections

The RKI reports the current figures on the corona situation in Germany every day. The development of data on new infections, deaths and incidence.

Berlin – The health authorities in Germany reported 125,902 new corona infections to the Robert Koch Institute within one day. This emerges from the current figures from the RKI from Tuesday (02/22/22). A week ago there were 159,217 infections.

Day new infections | Deaths | incidence
Tuesday (02/22/2022) 125,902 | 306 | 1306.8
Monday (02/21/2022) 73,867 | 22 | 1346.8
Sunday (02/20/2022) 118.032 | 73 | 1346.3
Saturday (02/19/2022) 189.105 | 210 | 1350.4
Friday (02/18/2022) 220,048 | 264 | 1371.7
Thursday (02/17/2022) 235,626 | 261 | 1385.1
Wednesday (02/16/2022) 219,972 | 247 | 1401.0
Tuesday (02/15/2022) 159.217 | 243 | 1437.5
Monday (02/14/2022) 76,465 | 42 | 1459.8

The nationwide seven-day incidence is falling again after rising at the start of the week. According to the RKI, it is 1306.8. Yesterday Monday the value was given as 1346.8, a week ago the incidence was 1437.5.

details shortly.

Das RKI meldet die aktuellen Daten zur Corona-Lage in Deutschland.


The RKI reports the current data on the corona situation in Germany.

Corona case numbers in Germany: experts assume a high number of unreported cases

Experts assume a high number of cases that are not recorded in the RKI data. Test capacities and health authorities are therefore at the limit in many places, and contacts are only tracked to a limited extent. In addition, there is likely to be a larger number of people who no longer have their infection confirmed by a PCR test – the infection is therefore not included in the official statistics. (skr/dpa)

List of rubrics: © Kira Hofmann/dpa

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