According to the court, the man killed his ex-girlfriend with a knife. The judges decided on manslaughter, but recognized a “serious act”.
Neuruppin – He is said to have killed her in a bunker in a forest near Oranienburg (Brandenburg): The Neuruppin district court has sentenced a 29-year-old man to manslaughter of his ex-girlfriend.
The court sentenced the man to 12 years and six months in prison, spokeswoman Iris le Claire said on Tuesday. The court is convinced that the accused killed the 26-year-old in the bunker. The verdict is not yet legally binding.
The defendant’s defense attorney had requested a sentence of manslaughter, leaving the amount at the discretion of the court. Prosecutors had pleaded for a murder conviction. “With the sentence of more than 12 years, the court stayed well in the upper range,” said le Claire. Manslaughter carries a penalty of 5 to a maximum of 15 years. The judges justified the penalty with a particularly “serious act”.
According to the verdict, the 29-year-old from Oranienburg stabbed the 26-year-old mother on July 15, 2021 in the bunker in a forest near Oranienburg. He himself had stated to an expert that he had been in the bunker with the woman, but then had a tear in the film and then found himself in front of the bunker with blood on his hands. The 26-year-old had been reported missing by family members a few days earlier. According to the police investigation, the young woman had voluntarily gone to the bunker. dpa