NewsDelta variant: double vaccination and still sick - what...

Delta variant: double vaccination and still sick – what could be the reason

Vaccination protects against the coronavirus – in theory. But some Covid patients are ill despite double vaccinations. That can have several reasons.

Frankfurt – The Corona * pandemic is picking up speed again worldwide. The number of cases with the coronavirus is also increasing in Germany. And this despite the fact that almost half of the German population has now been vaccinated twice. There are similar observations in Israel and Great Britain.

Even severe Covid courses that end in the hospital are apparently possible despite a double vaccination. But how can that be? There are mutliple reasons for this.

Trotz Zweitimpfung infizieren sich manche Menschen mit dem Coronavirus. (Symbolbild)


Despite a second vaccination, some people become infected with the coronavirus. (Symbol image)

Reason 1: The delta variant of the coronavirus

Clearly, the delta variant has not made the fight against the corona pandemic any easier. It spreads faster, is more aggressive – and is suspected of reducing the effect of the vaccine *. According to the Ministry of Health in Israel, the effectiveness of the Pfizer / Biontech vaccine has been decreasing since the Delta variant *. According to this, the effectiveness of Biontech’s vaccine has fallen to 64%.

In fact, initial studies show that the vaccines – not just the Biontech / Pfizer * vaccine – are less effective against Delta than against the wild type of Sars-CoV-2. There is a risk of infection, especially with just one injected dose. Virologist Christian Drosten * pointed this out a few weeks ago. Drosten has repeatedly emphasized that a second vaccination is necessary. Missing a second vaccination is devastating, the Charité virologist recently explained in the NDR podcast “Coronavirus Update”: “Things like that should just not happen.”

The Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) recommends the so-called cross vaccinations for a higher effectiveness against Delta. People receive the vaccine from Astrazeneca * in the first round, and then an mRNA vaccine (from Biontech, for example) in the second round. According to experts, the immune response should be significantly increased after two different vaccines. We are talking about a heterologous vaccination scheme.

Reason 2: The effect of the corona vaccination can wear off after six months

Another reason for getting Covid-19 despite double vaccinations can be the time factor. Because the effect of the vaccines probably wears off over time. Here, too, the first suspicions come from Israel, which is already significantly further ahead with its vaccination campaign than Germany, for example. According to the Johns Hopkins University, almost 70% of the population there is fully vaccinated. Here, too, the vaccine from Biontech and Pfizer is particularly affected.

The manufacturer emphasized in a press release: “As has already become clear from the practical application data collected by the Israeli Ministry of Health, the protective effect of the vaccine against infections and symptomatic diseases decreases six months after the second vaccination.”

And in this way the manufacturer brings a third dose of vaccine into play. A refresher of the corona vaccination with Biontech could soon be necessary *, is the suggestion from Biontech. We are talking about a period of “six to twelve months after the complete vaccination”. There was severe criticism from the WHO for this proposal *. The WHO Director General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, particularly criticized the ethical consequences of recommending a third corona vaccination from Biontech and Pfizer.

designation corona
virus SARS-CoV-2
Infectious disease Covid-19
Variants / mutants B.1.1.7 (Alpha), B.1.351 (Beta), B.1.617.2 (Delta), P.1 (Gamma)

Health Minister Jens Spahn * (CDU *) recently announced at a press conference that particularly vulnerable patients will be offered a third dose this autumn.

Reason 3: Even the corona vaccination does not always work 100 percent

It applies to a flu vaccination, it also applies to Corona. A vaccination against the coronavirus never provides 100% protection. The admission studies have already shown that. Biontech / Pfizer and Moderna * state that their vaccines have a reduced risk of infection by 95% after double vaccination, Astrazeneca is 70%.

After all: the manufacturers promise protection against a severe course of Covid-19 after the second vaccination. The problem: The data come from the registration studies in which people with a weakened immune system did not take part due to the high risk. In other words: The data are only valid to a limited extent for those people for whom the risk of a severe course after an infection with Sars-CoV-2 is increased.

In June, for example, Thomas Mertens, chairman of Stiko, said: “There are now several studies that show that vaccination against Covid-19 does not work as well in people whose immune system is slowed down by drugs as it does in others.” Depending on the extent of the immunosuppression and the drugs used, the immune response is significantly worse or even fails despite a full vaccination. “

Mertens therefore assumes that the double vaccination does not work as desired in some high-risk patients due to their already weakened immune system. According to initial studies, this mainly includes old people, cancer patients and organ transplants. (nc) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

Heading image: © Felipe Dana / dpa

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