NewsDevastating cyclone kills at least 10 people in Madagascar

Devastating cyclone kills at least 10 people in Madagascar

With wind speeds of up to 235 kilometers per hour, tropical storm Batsirai swept across Madagascar. At least ten people lose their lives.

Antananarivo – Tropical storm Batsirai has wreaked havoc on the island of Madagascar. Individual gusts of wind even hit the island state at up to 235 kilometers per hour. At least ten people are believed to have died.

As the authorities announced on Sunday evening (February 6th, 2022), the tropical storm had hit the east and south of the island in particular on Sunday night. The cyclone had caused devastating damage. Houses were destroyed, power poles and trees snapped down. The authorities also fear severe flooding. Entire streets were partially washed away.

Cyclone rages on Madagascar: 40,000 people in emergency shelters

Around 40,000 islanders had to be housed in emergency shelters. Aid organizations fear lasting damage.

Der heftige Tropensturm „Batsirai“ fegte über Madagaskar.


The violent tropical storm “Batsirai” swept over Madagascar.

The Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW) responded to an international request for help from Madagascar and sent first aid workers. The Federal Ministry of the Interior has given the THW the order to send a five-person advance team to the affected region, as the aid organization said in a statement. “Our team helps to determine specific needs and to structure the processes,” said THW President Gerd Friedsam.

capital city Antananarivo
residents 27.69 million

Cyclone Batsirai: A tropical storm raged in Madagascar a week ago

The tropical cyclone “Batsirai” had already announced itself in advance. The German Press Agency reports that he had previously swept over the neighboring islands of La Réunion and Mauritius. According to the UN Emergency Relief Office (OCHA), at least one person has died in Mauritius.

Vor dem tropischen Sturm „Batsirai“ sicherte ein Mann das Dach seines Hauses.


Before tropical storm Batsirai, a man secured the roof of his house.

As the dpa further reported, southern Africa is currently in the summer cyclone season, which can bring severe storms and precipitation until March or April. Just about a week ago, tropical storm Ana devastated other parts of Africa, including Mozambique, Malawi, Zimbabwe and Zambia, in addition to Madagascar. The cyclone caused severe damage. Many buildings were destroyed, and agriculture also suffered from the hurricane. Numerous people became homeless.

The lack of rain for years led to one of the worst droughts in Madagascar for more than 30 years. Food became scarce and there was no clean drinking water. (kas/dpa)

List of rubrics: © Beekash Roopun/dpa

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