EntertainmentGamesDiablo IV's character editor promises to be the most...

Diablo IV's character editor promises to be the most complete of the series with endless customization possibilities

Diablo is going to have a big presence over the next few months thanks to the release of Diablo Immortal and Diablo II Resurrected. In addition to these two long-awaited titles, Blizzard continues to work on the development of Diablo IV in order to try to make it the best installment of the entire saga, which is leading the team to put a great effort in certain aspects, such as the artistic section .

In this sense, the Californian company has published a new entry on the game’s official blog to talk in depth about the design of the characters. Thus he has affirmed that the process of creating something unique has been very hard and full of difficulties until achieving something with which they have been satisfied, ensuring that we will get to find the most complete character editor that has come to be seen in the franchise .

When it comes to creating our own character, we will have endless possibilities when it comes to customizing it. In this way, we can choose what their hairstyle and color will be, change the skin tone, place tattoos or marks with paintings, piercings and many other details that serve to make the hero of each one feel totally unique to that of the others.

Likewise, it has been ensured that it is always seen perfectly from any point of view, especially from the isometric view in which the action will take place. But Blizzard has put so much emphasis on this section that it indicates that we will get to observe details as miniscule as the lights of the eyes or the drops of sweat that fall down the forehead. And of course this applies to each of the five confirmed classes thus far.

In fact, certain customization details will be unique to some classes and others will be common to all. On the other hand, the armor sets will also have more options to dye each piece , being able to choose from a multitude of different colors that will vary depending on the material from which each object is made, so a leather item will not be the same as one of metal.

In the videos that accompany the news you can take a look at the result of everything discussed. However, the art team has not only focused on the characters, since these novelties will also affect the enemies as long as they are more terrifying and grotesque , from the minor creatures to the imposing final bosses, with all kinds of details in each of its limbs and parts of the body.

Without a doubt, Diablo IV is gaining more and more points to become a title that must be tracked. To this day, it still does not have an approximate launch date and the exact platforms, apart from PC, on which it will be available have not been released.

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