FunDo streetlights and other night lights affect birds?

Do streetlights and other night lights affect birds?

In many areas urbanized no lights on 24 hours and that affects the co mportamiento and mating of birds, according to a new study published in the journal Current Biology. According to Bart Kempenaers, from the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology in Germany, in a series of experiments he found that artificial lights make males living on the outskirts of the forest , in areas close to the city, start singing much earlier when dawn than their companions of the same species that inhabit the interior of the forest, which implies that the former are more exposed to predators and sleep less . In addition, according to Kempenaers, the females interpret that these males are of more "quality" (by starting to sing earlier), so that they have more offspring, sometimes even outside their "official" partner. To make matters worse, females exposed to artificial light lay their eggs around a day and a half earlier .

? Compared to chemical and noise pollution, light pollution is more subtle, and its effects have perhaps not yet received all the attention they deserve ,? concludes the ornithologist.

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