FunDoes listening to music on mp3 players bring us...

Does listening to music on mp3 players bring us closer to or away from others?

From the physical point of view, listening to music through an iPod or mobile phone can bring us closer to others , since it reduces the area that our personal space occupies, that is, the distance we keep between ourselves and others to feel "comfortable". This is clear from according to a recent study by the University of London (United Kingdom) published in the journal PLoS One . To test this, the researchers asked the participants to walk towards an experimenter unknown to them until such time as they felt uncomfortable about the closeness. In another group, it was the experimenter who walked towards the participants and the participants were asked to stop when they considered that he was too close. The test was repeated in absolute silence and listening to music streamed through speakers or the headphones of an mp3 player.

Thus, they verified that music with a positive emotional charge transmitted through the headphones had the curious effect of dwarfing the concept of the subjects of their personal space , in such a way that they let a stranger get much closer than those who listened to it. same music transmitted through speakers.

This is how an hour of walking through nature influences your brain

After a 60-minute walk in nature, activity in brain regions involved in stress processing decreases, a new study concludes.

Feeling alone and unhappy accelerates aging more than tobacco

They conclude that psychological factors, such as feeling unhappy, lonely or desperate, add up to 1.65 years to biological age, more than smoking.

Silencing notifications does not make you look less at your mobile (on the contrary)

The fact that we 'turn off' the phone notifications increases what is called 'psychological distress', especially with all those people who always feel 'afraid of missing something important'.

Transition from childhood to adolescence: when children stop being children

One of the most complex moments to face on an emotional level for many is the arrival of adolescence. Specifically, the passage from childhood to adolescence.

Transition from childhood to adolescence: when children stop being children

One of the most complex moments to face on an emotional level for many is the arrival of adolescence. Specifically, the passage from childhood to adolescence.
