LivingTravelDoi Inthanon National Park: The Complete Guide

Doi Inthanon National Park: The Complete Guide

Located just 37 miles from Chiang Mai in northern Thailand, Doi Inthanon National Park is home to Thailand’s highest and most prominent mountain, Doi Inthanon.

Doi Inthanon National Park is one of the few places in Thailand where you will see and smell pine trees, and perhaps feel the cold that often accompanies them. Along with a cooler climate, the national park is a sanctuary for a large number of species, particularly birds, that come to take advantage of the diversity.

Of the many national parks in Thailand, Doi Inthanon is one of the busiest. Both the proximity to Chiang Mai and the opportunity to stand at the highest point in Thailand attract many locals and tourists.

Doi Inthanon National Park at a glance

  • Pronounced: I give in-ta-no-n (the h is silent)
  • Total land area: 186 square miles (482 km 2 )
  • Summit elevation: 8,415 feet (2,565 meters)
  • Founded: the status of the national park became official in 1972
  • Park entrance fees: 300 baht for adults (150 baht for children); 30 baht per car
  • Official contact: +66 53286729


Doi Inthanon was originally known to the indigenous peoples of the mountain tribe as Doi Ang Ka or Doi Luang, simply “great mountain”, an apt description of the highest mountain in Thailand. It is one of the few ultra-prominent peaks in the country.

Inthawichayanon, the last ruler of the Kingdom of Chiang Mai before it was annexed to Siam around 1899, was known for his love of nature. The great mountain was renamed Doi Inthanon in his honor. The national park was later established in 1972.

How to get to Doi Inthanon National Park

Although the national park has several entrances, the closest one is just over a two-hour drive southwest of Chiang Mai. The distance is only 40 miles, but as expected in a mountainous region, the trail is littered with many twists and turns.

The easiest, laziest, and safest option is to simply rent a car and driver from Chiang Mai. The downside is that you will have to negotiate in advance for stops within the park and perhaps for interesting places along the route. If you feel comfortable enough to drive, doing so allows you much more freedom to choose from the many waterfalls and scenic overlooks.

Cars and drivers range from $ 75 to $ 100 for a day trip; try asking at one of the many travel agencies in Chiang Mai. You shouldn’t have to pay the driver’s entrance fees, however all other details (food stops, itinerary, etc.) need to be discussed and agreed upon beforehand. Group tours are also available, but book these at your own risk. Many involve being crammed into minivans for hours with potentially seasick strangers.

Driving yourself

When driving from Chiang Mai Old City, exit the moat at the southwest corner and continue past the airport on Highway 108. Head south on Highway 108 until you reach 1013. Turn right to go west, following the signs to the entrance of the national park. If you drive during rush hour, some of the traffic can be avoided by using Highway 3035 South, the same road that used to visit the ‘Grand Canyon’ of Chiang Mai.

Too many drivers rush through blind curves, keep left! If you ride a motorcycle there, prepare for a freezing frost. Wear gloves.

Visiting the national park

Exploring Doi Inthanon National Park isn’t just about driving to the top of the mountain, taking some photos, and then leaving, although you can. There are enough natural attractions within the park to occupy more than a full day, depending on time and energy. For example, reaching the largest cave in the national park requires around two hours of walking.

Visiting Doi Inthanon is best enjoyed with an early start on a weekday. The park gets very crowded on the weekends, particularly during the peak season from December to March. Trying to visit during one of Thailand’s great vacation periods can be a frustrating experience. Traffic is in a jam along the main road, inevitably causing some visitors to run out of fuel!

The greenhouses you see on the mountain are part of an initiative by King Bhumibol. The actual project strives to teach indigenous peoples about profitable alternatives to growing poppies. Doi Inthanon is also home to the National Observatory of Thailand, which is home to the largest telescope in the region.

Accommodation options

There are two options for sleeping in the national park: “civilized” camping and rustic bungalows. For camping, tents and equipment (including sleeping bags) can be rented at the park headquarters, subject to availability. Don’t expect wild camping in the woods; The camp is only about 500 meters from the headquarters area.

Bungalows of various sizes and budgets are available, however, reserving them before arrival is difficult for tourists. The reservation requires payment through direct debit, easier if you have a Thai bank account. You can always take a chance by asking HQ if something is available and just paying on the spot. The weekends are pretty well always full.

Climatic considerations

The top of Doi Inthanon is probably the only place where you will feel very cold outdoors in Thailand. Temperatures range between 40 and 50 F during the dry season and can easily drop below freezing. Make no mistake, you will feel cold standing in Doi Inthanon in your flip flops, especially after breaking a sweat in Chiang Mai or Pai!

The national park sees a lot of rain during the monsoon season months between May and November. Temperatures will feel warmer, but clouds obscure views more often. One concession is that the many waterfalls within the national park are much more impressive during the wet months.

Things to do in Doi Inthanon National Park

If you are on a self-guided trip to the national park, first go to the Tourist Service Center for a map and tips. Pick and choose a few places to see based on the amount of time you have.

  • Los Chedis: Two sacred stupas are a popular focal point for visitors. The well-kept monuments add additional beauty to the images of the surrounding mountains. One was built in 1987 in honor of King Bhumibol’s 60th birthday. The other was built in 1992 in honor of Queen Sirikit’s 60th birthday. The escalators make the chedis more accessible for people who cannot climb the many stairs to the best views. You will have to pay another small fee for access.
  • Waterfalls – Mae Klang Waterfall, the easiest to get to, is also unsurprisingly the busiest. The great falls are located near the park gate. Swimming and having a picnic are options. Numerous other waterfalls are scattered throughout the park; Mae Ya waterfall is also popular. Many are large enough to hold water during the dry season.
  • Hiking Trails: The easiest route is the short walk from the Tourist Service Center to the Mae Klang waterfall. It is a paved path with nature displays and signs along the way. To go a little deeper, consider hiking the two-mile loop of the Kew Mae Pan trail. The views are breathtaking from the meadows. Guides are mandatory (200 baht per group), and the trail is closed during the monsoon season (June to November).

Other nearby places to visit

  • Pha Chor Canyon: East and part of Mae Wang National Park, Pha Chor’s “tourist spot” attracts a group of people who come to climb stairs into the canyon. Interesting rock formations carved out by the Ping River and cliffs around 100 feet high make Pha Chor an interesting diversion if you’re not in a rush to get back to town.
  • Chiang Mai Grand Canyon – Unlike Pha Chor Canyon, this “grand canyon” is man-made. Former limestone quarry, the Grand Canyon of Chiang Mai was filled with water and turned into a water park. Locals and backpackers are going to jump things into the water, hang out, and find some relief from the heat during the dry season. The park is located near Highway 3035; you will pass close by when you drive from Doi Inthanon back to the Old City.

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