NewsDouble hurricane rages over Germany: Ylenia ensures a state...

Double hurricane rages over Germany: Ylenia ensures a state of emergency – DWD warns of crazy wind

Severe weather in Germany: The DWD weather service warns of severe storm and hurricane gusts in the next few days. After hurricane “Ylenia” on Thursday, the next hurricane is approaching. News ticker.

  • Hurricane and heavy gusts of wind: Storm “Ylenia” has already caused wind peaks of up to 150 km/h.
  • Deutsche Bahn stops long-distance traffic in several federal states.
  • “Sturmfrei” – schools are closed in several federal states.
  • Severe weather warnings from the German Weather Service (DWD) are currently in effect until Thursday afternoon.
  • The next hurricane “Zeynep” is approaching on Friday (February 18).
  • We will keep you up to date on the current storm situation in this ticker.

Update from February 17, 10:17 a.m .: Complete closure on the A5 motorway towards Frankfurt, reports the Central Hesse police. A truck overturned on the A5 near Friedrichshof. The team is loaded with styrofoam plates. The driver slightly injured. The accident happened around 5 a.m., police said. A police spokesman said that the recovery of the truck and the clean-up work could only have started with delays because of the strong wind. It is initially unclear when the roadway will be reopened. Road users are asked to drive around the area on the A5 between the Friedberg exit and Bad Homburger Kreuz.

Berlin fire brigade declares second state of emergency due to storm

Update from February 17, 10:04 a.m .: The Berlin fire brigade is again calling for a state of emergency. It’s the second time this Thursday. Too many weather-related emergency calls coming in. Volunteer fire brigades have now been called into service, the Berlin fire brigade announced.

State of emergency lifted – fire brigade in Berlin continues to be used in the storm

Update from February 17, 9:27 a.m.: Fallen trees or loose components – the Berlin fire brigade is still on duty because of the storm. However, the situation has eased somewhat in the meantime. The state of emergency weather has now been lifted (see also update from February 17, 7:37 a.m.) . According to the fire brigade, there were around 75 weather-related operations between 2 a.m. and 5.30 a.m. At Berlin-Brandenburg Airport BER, machines could not be loaded and unloaded at times due to the strong gusts of wind, reports the dpa news agency. The boarding of the passengers was delayed, as a spokesman for BER said. Take-offs and landings were not affected.

Update from February 17, 8:25 a.m .: After a stormy night, the storm warnings from the German Weather Service (DWD) remain. According to current forecasts, the storm will only subside on Thursday afternoon.

“The first peak has been passed, but more will follow both today and tomorrow,” tweeted the DWD Thursday morning. Hurricane low “Ylenia” was already raging properly. Hurricane gusts of 125 km/h were measured in Angermünde (Brandenburg). Wind speeds of up to 150 km/h on the Brocken – the highest mountain in the low mountain range (1,141.2 metres).

Wind peaks on Thursday night

hunk 150km/h
Bare branches 133km/h
wine region 132km/h
Angermunde 125 km/h
arnsberg 123km/h
Goettingen 118km/h

Deutsche Bahn stops long-distance traffic in several federal states

Update from February 17, 7:37 a.m .: Deutsche Bahn has blocked several routes. Long-distance traffic in several federal states has been discontinued. “There are no long-distance trains in NRW, Lower Saxony, Bremen, Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Meck-Pomm, Brandenburg and Berlin,” Deutsche Bahn tweeted on Thursday morning. The train cancellations also affect other federal states, the company reports. Branches and trees block rails. Regional traffic in North Rhine-Westphalia is also affected. The Northwest Railway stopped all train services on Thursday morning. Traffic will gradually resume around noon.

Storm depression “Ylenia” moves over Germany

Update from February 17, 6 a.m .: Hurricane low “Ylenia” sweeps across Germany and has reached the northeast. Trees are blocking railway lines, flights have been canceled and the power went out at times in some regions of Germany. The Hamburg fish market in Altona was flooded. At 2.30 a.m., the Berlin fire brigade declared the weather emergency. Volunteer fire brigades now support the forces of the professional fire brigade. In Lichterfelde, for example, three trees fell on several parked cars and a light pole was also carried away. There were initially no reports of injuries from Berlin.

Wind speeds of 152 km/h measured

According to the German Weather Service (DWD), average wind speeds of 120 km/h were measured between 12:30 a.m. and 1:00 a.m. on the exposed Brocken in the Harz Mountains. The peak wind during this period was 152 km/h.

In other parts of Germany, too, there were hurricane gusts and hurricane-like gusts in exposed locations such as mountain peaks: In the above-mentioned period, wind speeds of an average of 87 km/h were measured on the Feldberg in the Black Forest, with peaks of 125 km/h. There were heavy gusts of wind, for example, at Cape Arkona on Rügen (77 km/h, 105 km/h peak) and at the Kiel lighthouse (79 km/h, 101 km/h peak).

Severe weather in Germany: Storm depression “Ylenia” reaches north-east Germany

According to the German Weather Service (DWD), the storm situation will continue until this afternoon. “The cold front is picking up momentum!” tweeted the DWD on Thursday morning. It has currently reached the middle of Germany. The focus of activity is currently between northern Hesse and Saxony or southern Brandenburg.

Numerous zoos, for example in Berlin, Wuppertal in North Rhine-Westphalia and in Magdeburg (Saxony-Anhalt), will remain closed on Thursday as a precaution. Visiting cemeteries was forbidden here and there. Many ski areas also prepared for the hurricane lows. The Fichtelberg suspension railway in Saxony was already standing still on Wednesday. Because of the risk of tree breakage, some trails are to be closed. In many cities, the weekly markets for Thursday have been canceled.

Double hurricane rushes towards Germany: danger of tornadoes! Schools closed in many places – civil protection warns

Update from February 16, 8:52 p.m .: The weather service and the federal and state civil protection authorities warn of the dangers of uprooted trees, falling roof tiles and objects flying around. People should avoid being outdoors as much as possible. In particular, a warning is given before entering forests and parks. Saxony-Anhalt’s Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff (CDU) also warns: “Please avoid unnecessary trips and stay at home if possible.”

Hurricane storm rages over Germany: feared flooding in Thuringia

Update from February 16, 8:47 p.m .: In Thuringia, flooding is warned due to the weather conditions, for example in parts of Sonneberg. “Bring personal valuables to higher parts of the building. Turn off power and heaters in at-risk spaces. There is already a risk of electric shock with condensation,” said a statement from the Thuringia state police department in the evening.

In parts of the city of Schleusingen, people had already prepared for possible flooding of the Werra tributary lock. Numerous volunteers helped fill around 2,000 sandbags, as the spokesman for the Hildburghausen district office, Tim Pechauf, explained.

Hurricane storm causes school cancellations in several federal states

Update from February 16, 7:23 p.m.: The hurricane causes school cancellations in a number of federal states. Schools will be closed on Thursday (February 17) in parts of Bavarian Upper Franconia, in North Rhine-Westphalia, Brandenburg and Bremen. In Saarland and Baden-Württemberg, parents are free to send their children to school.

Update from February 16, 6:15 p.m .: The German Weather Service is still warning of strong storm and wind gusts. From Wednesday evening, hurricane gusts will occur on the coasts and in the mountains, according to the DWD. The weather service even warns of extreme hurricane gusts on the Brocken and the Fichtelberg.

Heavy gusts of wind, sometimes even hurricane-force gusts, are also expected in the lowlands. From the night of Saturday, a new storm low with hurricane gusts in the mountains and hurricane-like gusts in the north and in the middle of Germany is expected.

Storm warning: Saarland’s schools affected by storms

Update from February 16, 5:03 p.m .: Because of the hurricane, the Ministry of Education in Saarland is now also freeing up school attendance for the next two days. “In extreme weather conditions, the legal guardians decide in the morning whether the way to school is reasonable for their children,” said the ministry on Wednesday in Saarbrücken. Adult students decide for themselves. Those who stay away from class must notify the school, it said.

The schools could also “decide independently whether it is necessary to avert danger by not allowing the lessons to take place due to the weather”. In these cases, however, emergency care must be offered if possible.

Update from February 16, 2:42 p.m .: The weather situation is developing critically. During the course of the day on this Wednesday, the wind is already picking up significantly. The storm will continue to rise until Wednesday evening. In the night on Thursday and Thursday morning, the hurricane situation in Germany reached its first peak. Hurricane low “Ylenia” is the first. From the north-west to the middle and in the east, the German Weather Service (DWD) warns of severe gusts of wind up to 100 km/h and individual hurricane gusts of up to 120 km/h.

Hurricane low “Ylenia”: Weather experts warn of a greatly increased risk of tornadoes

There is a greatly increased risk of tornadoes in the north, warns weather expert Martin Pscherer from the weather portal The wind can reach hurricane force, especially during the passage of the cold front from the low “Ylenia” with heavy showers and thunderstorms. The cold front will move from north-west to south-east across Germany until Thursday morning.

“These are wind speeds that we do not experience every year, even in the lowlands,” said DWD meteorologist Adrian Leyser on Wednesday. “In addition, the gusts sometimes appear very suddenly in such a “convective wind situation”. Larger trees can be uprooted, roofs damaged and objects blown around, warns the DWD. Damage to buildings is also possible. Disruptions and disruptions to traffic must be expected.

The next hurricane called “Zeynep” is approaching on Friday. The low is still giving the DWD meteorologists a “headache”. The forecast is still quite uncertain, but it is certain that the storm field will affect Germany.

Train travelers have to reckon with problems with Deutsche Bahn

Update from February 16, 1 p.m .: The storm will probably shake up rail traffic. Travelers should be prepared for problems until Thursday evening: “It is possible that rail traffic nationwide will be affected on February 17,” tweeted Deutsche Bahn. Passengers are asked to inform themselves on the website and, if necessary, to postpone their journey “flexibly”.

Severe weather warning due to hurricane low: Schools in NRW closed on Thursday

Update from February 16, 12:17 p.m .: Safety first! In North Rhine-Westphalia, school is canceled on Thursday due to storms. Because of the severe weather warnings for North Rhine-Westphalia, the state is ordering a state-wide class cancellation for tomorrow, Thursday (February 17). This was announced by NRW School Minister Yvonne Gebauer (FDP) on Wednesday in the Düsseldorf state parliament. “Tomorrow there will be no classes in the schools in NRW nationwide,” can be read on the website of the NRW Ministry of Education. Family Minister Joachim Stamp (FDP) appealed to all parents to look after their children at home on Thursday instead of sending them to day care or day care.

Dangerous double hurricane sweeps over Germany: DWD expects violent gusts – storm surge announced

Update from February 16, 9.18 a.m .: There is a storm alarm across the country! “Two hurricane lows ensure a full-fledged storm situation in Germany from Thursday night to Saturday,” said the German Weather Service on Wednesday. Yes, you read that correctly: there are two hurricane lows that could cause two dangerous storms in Germany. It is an explosive storm situation that is brewing right now with the weather*. Hurricane low “Ylenia” hits on Thursday night. The next storm is already announced on Friday (February 18) in the night to Saturday.

The wind from the west is already picking up significantly on Wednesday morning. In the afternoon, frequent stormy gusts in the lowlands (Bft 7/8) can be expected. In the mountains and on the sea, however, the wind is blowing with peak winds of up to 95 km/h (Bft 10). The DWD weather experts expect hurricane gusts of up to 140 km/h on the Brocken.

Severe weather in Germany: “On all mountains full of hurricanes”

The storm situation intensified during the night on Thursday. The wind then lashes across the country at 100 km/h. In the center and east of the country “danger of hurricane-like gusts (Bft 11, up to 115 km/h), on the mountains full of hurricanes”. That means peak winds of up to 140 km/h. The DWD even expects speeds of up to 180 km/h on the Brocken.

The Hamburg fire brigade urgently advises installing warning apps

A severe storm surge threatens on the North Sea. The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) warns of floods on the East Frisian coast, on the North Frisian coast and in the Weser and Elbe area up to 1.5 meters higher than the average flood. In the Hamburg Elbe area, high water could occur 1.5 to 2 meters above the mean high water level.

In view of the approaching storm, the Hamburg fire brigade recommends installing the warning app NINA and the warning app from the German Weather Service. At the same time, the Hamburg fire brigade points out that the “instructions and warnings from both warning apps must always be followed”.

Beaufort scale/ degrees * designation Wind speed kilometers per hour (km/h) Examples of inland wind effects
force 7 stiff wind 50 to 61 km/h noticeable inhibitions when walking against the wind, entire trees move
force 8 stormy wind 62 to 74 km/h Branches break from trees, making it difficult to walk outdoors
force 9 Storm 75 to 88 km/h Branches break from trees, minor damage to houses (roof tiles or smoke hoods lifted off)
force 10 heavy storm 89 to 102 km/h Wind breaks trees, major damage to houses
force 11 gale force storm 103 to 117 km/h Wind uproots trees, spreads storm damage
force 12 hurricane from 118 km/h severe devastation

* Quelle: Auschnitt DWD Beaufort-Skala

Hurricane lows are coming: DWD announces “full-fledged storm situation” for days – “It’s getting serious”

First report from February 15, 2022: Offenbach – The weather in Germany is still rather calm. That changes dramatically over the course of the week. Storm and hurricane gusts threaten.

“This is a weather situation with a high potential for severe weather,” reports the German Weather Service (DWD). The DWD has already issued advance information before “Storms and gusts of wind” on Thursday (February 17). Official severe weather warnings will be issued at a later date, the DWD points out via Twitter.

Hurricane low “Xandra” ensures “full-blown storm situation in Germany”

“The situation is slowly getting serious,” summarizes meteorologist Dominik Jung from the weather portal . The first storm low hits Germany in the night from Wednesday to Thursday. Next on Friday. The weather experts are currently focusing on the hurricane * low over the North Sea on Thursday. According to the DWD, it ensures a “full-blown storm situation in Germany”. The north and center of the country are particularly affected.

Severe weather in Germany: DWD warns of storm conditions from Thursday

According to the DWD, gusts of wind and severe gusts of wind in the lowlands of 80 km/h to 110 km/h are possible in northern and central Germany. At the North Sea and in the mountains, the wind then sweeps across the country at up to 120 km/h, i.e. hurricane strength.

In the south the wind is a little weaker. But even there, gusts of wind (up to 85 km/h) and in the mountains gusts of 110 km/h to 130 km/h are to be expected.

The DWD warns that gusts of more than 100 km/h are dangerous: “For example, trees can be uprooted and roofs damaged. Look for cascading branches, Roof tiles or objects. Close all windows and doors! Secure items outdoors! Try to avoid staying outside!”

Storm force hurricane from 117 km/h wind speed

  • hurricane on the Beaufort scale
  • The Beaufort scale divides winds into different strengths: 12 Bft is called a “hurricane” according to the Beaufort scale.
  • 12 Bft: Wind force 12 is called a “hurricane” according to the Beaufort scale.
  • Wind force 12 corresponds to more than 117 km/h, more than 32.7 m/s or more than 64 kn.
DWD-Unwetter-Warnung: Wetterdienst warnt vorab vor Orkan und schweren Sturmböen ab Mittwoch.


DWD severe weather warning: weather service warns in advance of hurricanes and heavy gusts of wind from Wednesday.

Storm situation over Germany continues

On Friday the wind weakens temporarily. But then storm number two threatens. According to the current forecasts, it remains dangerous. Weather expert Dominik Jung: “The storm situation will last until Sunday, probably even longer. The strongest wind developments will probably occur on Thursday and Friday, as well as in the night leading up to Saturday!” The youngster also provides the prospects for the coming days:

  • Tuesday: 5 to 10 degrees, mixed, sometimes sun, sometimes clouds and showers
  • Wednesday: 7 to 13 degrees, changeable with showers and heavy rain, wind increasing in the evening, stormy on Thursday night
  • Thursday: 7 to 14 degrees, throughout the day, lots of clouds, stormy, partly at the sea and in the higher altitudes hurricane gusts, showers again and again
  • Friday: 8 to 17 degrees, risk of storms! Hurricane-like gusts possible all the way down between the middle and the north, around 110 km/h. At higher altitudes up to 150 km/h. rainy weather.
  • Saturday: 6 to 11 degrees, mix of sun, clouds and rain showers, very windy.
  • Sunday: 6 to 10 degrees, squalls, lots of clouds, rain
  • Monday: 6 to 10 degrees, mixed and very windy, rain showers

The temperatures are far too mild for the time of year. It could be the warmest February month since weather records began, Jung suspects. By the way: The first forecasts for spring 2022 are here. A clear trend is emerging in the leading weather models. March, April and May bring that. (ml) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

List of rubrics: © Matthias Bein/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

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