NewsFamily "devastated": presenter (44) dies after Astrazeneca vaccination

Family "devastated": presenter (44) dies after Astrazeneca vaccination

A moderator is vaccinated with the Astrazeneca vaccine and gets a severe headache. She dies in the hospital.

London – A well-known radio presenter in Great Britain died on Friday (May 28th, 2021). Lisa Shaw was previously vaccinated with the Corona * vaccine from Astrazeneca and subsequently suffered a cerebral vein thrombosis. This was officially announced by her family, according to matching media reports.

Accordingly, the 44-year-old got a severe headache after the vaccination and was therefore hospitalized. Doctors diagnosed multiple blood clots in Shaw’s head. However, various treatment methods did not work. She finally died on Friday afternoon in the clinic with her relatives. “We are devastated,” said the family: “We will love and miss them forever.”

After corona vaccination with Astrazeneca – presenter dies at 44

In addition to her family, her employer has now made her grief for the 44-year-old public. Shaw had worked for the BBC in Newcastle since 2016. The station’s deputy editor-in-chief said: “She was a trustworthy colleague, a brilliant presenter, a wonderful friend and a loving wife and mother.”

Side effects from Astrazeneca vaccination: cerebral vein thrombosis is a very rare phenomenon

Cerebral vein thrombosis is a very rare side effect of a corona vaccination. So far, these have occurred in connection with the Astrazeneca and Johnson & Johnson vaccines. According to data from the Paul Ehrlich Institute, 94 cases are known in Germany (as of May 25, 2021). That is why the Standing Vaccination Commission recommends the vaccine only for people over the age of 60, for example.

A victim speaks about her cerebral vein thrombosis after a corona vaccination with the Astrazeneca vaccine. * Her doctor criticizes the prioritization of the vaccine.

A research team from Frankfurt recently published a study on the causes of thromboses as a result of corona vaccinations: The research hopes to improve the safety of the vaccines through the result. * (Tu) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA .

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