LivingTravelFestivals in Germany in January Find out what's happening...

Festivals in Germany in January Find out what's happening in Germany this January

Bundle up if traveling to Germany in January – temperatures can be freezing. While there are fewer than other months after the Christmas Markets craze, you’ll be rewarded with low fees, small crowds, and some big German events and festivals.

Note that January 1 (New Years Day) is an official holiday with the closure of businesses and offices across the country, while January 6 (Epiphany) is only a holiday in some states.

Here is what is happening in Germany in the month of January.

New Year’s race in Berlin

If your New Years resolution is to work harder, you can start with a light Berliner Neujahrslauf (New Year Run).

It is 2.5 miles (4 km) long and begins at the iconic Brandenburg Gate and takes you to many of Berlin’s most famous landmarks. Reservations are not required, children are welcome, and donations are appreciated. Start your new year off right!

When: January 1
Where: Pariser Platz / Brandenburg Gate and through the center of Berlin

Dance days

It’s time to dance during Tanztage (Days of Dance. This contemporary dance festival in Berlin showcasing both choreographers and dancers is a clever mix of visual arts with commentary on current events and pop culture.

When: from January 9 to 19, 2019

Where: Sophiensaele in Berlin-Mitte

Bavarian Tobogganing Championships

In the winter wonderland of Garmisch-Partenkirchen, adults get on sledges. Semi-professional teams of four race down the mountainside on traditional wooden horned sleds at speeds of up to 100 km / h in the Hornschlittenrennen (annual horned sled race). Some of the sleds used are practically old with more than 60 years.

On another top of the mountain? Gunzesried also has the sledding championship, as does Ostrachtal (but that’s in February).

When: January 4-6, 2019
Where: Parking of the Olympic Ski Stadium (Karl-Martin-Neuner-Platz) in Garmisch-Partenkirchen

Day of the three kings

For a more traditional Epiphany or Dreikönigsfest , head to the German states of Baden-Wuerttemberg, Bavaria, and Saxony-Anhalt, where it’s a public holiday. The traditional celebration consists of children dressed as the Three Wise Men and star singers singing Christmas carols from door to door and raising money for charity. Houses and stables are cleaned by burning incense. They leave the mark of a house blessed with a chalk «C + M + B» (Magi: Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar) with the date written on each side (for example, in 2019: 20 * C + M + B * 19) .

The celebration actually begins on January 5 when friends and family gather to prostitute themselves (applause) for a new year in a loud bockbier . The holiday also focuses on religious service with a prominent krippe (cradle) display. Children also act out the Christmas story with crib scenes at home.

When: from January 5 to 6
Where: Baden-Wuerttemberg, Bavaria and Saxony-Anhalt

Cologne Music Week

Cologne’s party season is strong all winter long and this is the first of many celebrations. More than 50 events in four venues take place over seven days.

When: January 15-20, 2019
Where: various locations

Berlin Fashion Week

Berlin Fashion Week happens twice a year with collections from German and international designers. The shows are at the forefront of the fashion world with plenty of cutting edge theater and design. Sustainable fashion has been a focus in recent years with Greenshowroom and Ethical Fashion Show dedicated exclusively to this trend.

Important fairs and legendary after parties follow.

When: January 15-17, 2019
Where: various

International green week

Berlin International Green Week (IGW) is touted as the world’s largest exhibition for sustainable food and agriculture. The Bio Markt presents fresh produce from sausage products to beer and wines. There are also presentations and talks on ethical forestry, renewable resources and livestock.

When: from January 18 to 27, 2019
Where: Messe (fairgrounds), Berlin

Festival Gourmet Sylt

Thousands of foodies flock to the German North Sea island of Sylt to enjoy this 4-day Gourmet Festival. Top chefs and sommeliers from around the world cater to Sylt’s finest restaurants, offering everything from freshly caught lobster and fine French wines to Spanish tapas.

When: from January 16 to 19, 2019
Where: Island of Sylt

Motorcycle Fair and Fair

If you like motorsports, go to one of the biggest motorcycle fairs in Germany. Leipzig’s Motorrad Messe draws motorcycle enthusiasts from around the world to drool over the latest bikes, tricycles, quads and gear.

Of course, it wouldn’t be a show if there wasn’t some action. Watch the live performances and see the stars on two wheels.

When: January 18-20, 2019
Where: Leipzig Exhibition Center (Seehausener Allee 1, 04356 Leipzig)

Start planning for Oktoberfest

Does Herbst (or Fall) sound too far? Not for Oktoberfest.

For the best chance of reserving a table, try to make reservations during January and February with confirmations sent around March.

This is the best time to make an ideal hotel reservation in Munich.

When: January

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