From a very early age our children begin their cognitive development processes. Although to a large extent this responds to biological components such as the genetics of the parents, another part develops through learning.
Cognitive processes allow our children to process the information they receive from the world around them and, therefore, help them understand it, acquiring more and better resources for conflict resolution.
These processes include language, the ability to concentrate (attention), the different types of memory, the ability to plan, think, organize ideas, reflect…
And yet, although it is a natural process that occurs gradually, there are some things we can do to stimulate the cognitive development of our children; here we tell you how (through the game).
The game: fundamental for cognitive development
Our children learn and acquire new tools through play, and in this way they begin to explore their entire world. For this reason it is very important that as parents we always keep in mind that the natural way of development of our little ones is precisely through play .
This is the key for our children to learn in a fun and interesting way for them, without tedious, boring or forced dynamics.
Through the game we can apply some strategies to enhance their development, in addition to spending a pleasant time together.
“There is nothing that human beings do, know, think, hope or fear that has not been experienced, practiced or at least anticipated during the play stage of infancy.”
-Heidi B. Crecelius-
Make them play while they strengthen their minds! Five keys to stimulate the cognitive development of your children
speak, explain, ask
One of the strategies that you can use to encourage your child’s cognitive development and, which is also a resource that you always have at your fingertips , is simply talking.
You can tell him what you’re doing as the action unfolds; for example: if you are serving his food, you tell him what foods you are serving him and how important they are for him to be well nourished and very healthy and strong. Make sure he pays attention to your words .
You can apply this to any activity you do on a day-to-day basis with your children, and as they grow older, you can ask them to tell you what they do. This favors their development of thought and enhances their language.
Let your children explore their own world, let them feel the different textures, smells, tastes, colors, etc. Encourage them to get out of their comfort zone!
Of course, always under the supervision of an adult and to the extent that they are not in any danger.
You can buy some toys that contain different shapes and textures and let them explore them. You can also do it at home , giving them different objects so they can play with them.
Keep in mind that the stage of development in which your children are has a great influence, and it will be necessary to adapt to their progress.
the outdoor game
Playing outdoors not only offers children a lot of fun, but at the same time, they acquire new information that translates into more cognitive strategies.
Let him be free and play, explore nature (always with supervision) and take the opportunity to talk to your child about what he is seeing; tell him about what you’re doing.
Even if your child is big, you can ask him questions about it; just don’t make it feel like an interrogation, it’s just casual conversation.
As you talk, you can ask him some questions that stimulate his curiosity and reflection; It doesn’t matter if you answer correctly or not.
educational games
In the current market we have a wide variety of games strategically designed to help and promote the cognitive development of our children, this being an excellent resource.
Games that require classification (by colors, shapes, size, etc.) are ideal for your child to develop their cognitive skills, as well as being very entertaining.
They may be frustrated at first if they can’t get it right right away, but don’t panic, very patiently and lovingly explain that they can go on and try other ways until they find the solution. Trial and error is fundamental to learning.
Tell stories
Telling stories is another of the most valuable resources we have to encourage our children to develop skills, since it requires many cognitive processes involved .
Telling them stories will allow them to improve their attention, thinking, information processing, memory, social skills… just to mention a few of its benefits.
But don’t just tell stories, encourage them to be the ones to do it too.
This will help them improve their information processing, put their imagination to work while improving their language , both in their comprehension and pronunciation, and will even allow them to assimilate the grammar rules through the game.
Cognitive development by ages
But, how is, or how should be, the cognitive development of children depending on their age?
Get to know it through our articles on each age group, according to Piaget’s Theory:
- Sensorimotor stage from 0 to 12 months
- Sensorimotor stage from 1 to 2 years
- Preoperational stage from 2 to 7 years
- Stage of concrete operations from 7 to 11 years
- Formal Operations Stage Ages 11 and Over
Stimulating cognitive development: why is it important?
For our children to be able to adapt to the environment in which they live and have the ability to resolve the conflicts that arise, cognitive development is essential.
This in turn is essential for their development in the various areas of their lives, such as their school years, forming new friendships, understanding what is happening and responding assertively to the different situations they will experience.
It is always a good time to stimulate them; yes, without overwhelming them! They also need to “play for fun” (for pure pleasure), have fun and rest.
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