LivingTravelFlores Peru Bus Company's profile

Flores Peru Bus Company's profile

Transportes Flores was founded in Tacna in the early 1970s, beginning its life as a short-distance passenger service in and around the southernmost city in Peru. In the late 1970s, Flores began to advance beyond its interprovincial routes, connecting cities throughout the South and beyond.

The full name of the company is Empresa de Transportes Flores Hnos. SRL and it goes to all the main coastal destinations; inland to Arequipa, Puno and Cusco.

Domestic Flower Covering

Today, Flores serves all the major destinations along the Peruvian coast. From its hub in Lima, the company stops at all major destinations on Peru’s north coast, including Trujillo, Chiclayo, Piura, and Tumbes (as well as inland to Cajamarca). To the south, Flores serves major coastal destinations such as Ica, Nazca, and Tacna, as well as major inland destinations such as Arequipa, Puno, and Cusco.

Flores does not offer any international service at this time.

Comfort and bus classes

Flores runs four kinds of bus; Premium Service, Executive Service, Imperial Gold and Super Gold. The Premium and Executive classes are the budget options; If you’re traveling a long distance, it’s a good idea to pay a little more for one of Dorado’s classes. Imperial Dorado and Super Dorado (the most expensive option) are more comfortable, more reliable and have superior services on board.

In terms of comfort and attention on board, Flores is a mid-range bus company. The Super Dorado option is good, but it lacks the general sophistication of high-end companies like Cruz del Sur.

Flores Safety Concerns

The two inexpensive services Flores offers are not always reliable, and some of the buses show their age.

And while Dorado’s two options are worth considering, you’re better off paying a little more for a company like Cruz del Sur or Ormeño rather than taking one of the inexpensive options Flores offers.

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