Tech UPTechnologyFour modern cooking techniques you should know

Four modern cooking techniques you should know

Spherification.Oil pearls, false caviar of melon with ham, spherical pea ravioli, raspberry balls, liquid croquettes, spherical gazpacho … These are some of the foods that can be cooked with the spherification technique, which uses a substance called alginate – obtained from natural algae – to create spheres of liquid food protected by a very thin flexible membrane that “explodes” on contact with the mouth and immediately releases its contents.

Rotavapor.In 2007, Spanish chef Joan Roca decided to bring the rotary evaporator traditionally used in chemistry laboratories to his own kitchen to distill ingredients and produce his own aromas. This is how he obtained his “oyster with the aroma of wet earth”, with earth distillates, a “nostalgic” experience for the senses, according to those who have tried it. Currently, there is no chef worth his salt who does not have this appliance next to his stove.

Liquid nitrogen.Thanks to liquid nitrogen it is possible to freeze almost any ingredient instantly. But not only the speed counts. The important thing is that, at the low temperatures reached with this technique (-196 ºC), the mechanical properties of food change and original products such as oil powder, tomato popcorn or corn bonbon can be obtained.

Pot “to depression.”What would happen if we made a vacuum inside a pot and reduced the pressure to 20% of atmospheric pressure? That the food could be cooked at less than 65ºC, obtaining soft and delicate flavors while keeping the vitamins of the vegetables and fish intact. This is what Gastrovac does, a pot invented at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, very popular in the world of haute cuisine. The most interesting thing is its application of the sponge effect, based on the fact that most foods have pores filled with air that are emptied into the pot and can be filled with liquids to change or complete the flavor of the food. This is how you get apples with a mint flavor, sangria figs and persimmons with a horchata flavor.

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