EntertainmentGames'Ghostbusters', video of the delirious multiplayer

'Ghostbusters', video of the delirious multiplayer

There is something strange, in the neighborhood, who are you going to call? To the dough! What do you mean the Masa? You have to call ‘The Ghostbusters’, they are much cooler and also carry backpacks with the same power as a nuclear warhead and, as far as I know, that is more cool than becoming a sack of muscles green.

The game, which will be distributed by Sony itself as Alex explained to us a while ago, will allow us to embody the mythical characters of the movies and hunt, as God intended, a lot of children of the ectoplasm.

But now let’s focus on what matters and that is that the developers have prepared a real multiplayer feast for us to enjoy. Remember that in the original movies, simply hunting a ghost became cooperative. One set the trap while several managed to “capture” the bicharraco and lock it up. And according to what is seen in the video, things will continue the same. What a festival.

It must be said that on a visual level the title looks tremendous. It may not compete against graphical wonders like ‘Killzone 2’, but they are certainly very eye-catching. Also, capturing a huge ghost with the help of three friends in a coordinated attack must be fun, a lot of fun .

You know, everyone to join the rays that the festival of light is guaranteed (and the destruction of the city as well).

Video | GameTrailers

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