EntertainmentGamesGuilty Gear Strive: a devastating fighting, anime and rock'n'roll...

Guilty Gear Strive: a devastating fighting, anime and rock'n'roll show

After more than three decades developing video games and with a very powerful legacy behind it, Arc System Works is no longer content with being one of the most influential Japanese companies within the fighting genre itself: its current plan is to become the maximum reference internationally . And his workhorse is called Guilty Gear Strive.

Sol Badguy and Ky Kiske cross their swords again in a delivery that overflows with emotion and explosiveness. That adds everything seen and learned during Guilty Gear’s two decades on consoles and arcade games and, at the same time, establishes a totally new stage within the saga itself.

Dazzling in each of the improved aspects and entertaining the newcomer. Because Guilty Gear Strive is a golden opportunity to attract new players and Arc System Works are fully aware of it.

After all, the saga of swordsmanship and rock’n’roll needs no introduction for fans of fighting games, but for the rest of us it is the next great game from the creators of Dragon Ball FighterZ and Granblue Fantasy Vs. Two guarantees too powerful to go unnoticed, of course.

Of course, there is a special nuance compared to his previous successes: Guilty Gear is the star saga of Arc System Works. And that is palpable Guilty Gear Strive

Not surprisingly, it is the opening of a new chapter in all its aspects . A new stage written with firm handwriting and a lot of style. Because, controller in hand, Guilty Gear Strive feels like that amalgam of influences of fighting, manganime, rock’n roll in constant boiling so typical of those of Yokohama.

But, as you can see in these 25 minutes of gameplay, the veteran and the level of excellence that the set radiates is on another level.

We refer to a presentation that demonstrates the enormous mastery of Arc System Works with the Unreal engine in blurring the lines between traditional animation and 3D models and environments through finishes and animations that look almost handmade and a special emphasis on facial expressiveness.

And in the process, Strive gives us a powerful Rock-themed soundtrack that not only brings out the saga’s DNA, but masterfully elevates the intensity of the encounters. Two key aspects, polished with extra care and at the service of the essential: Arc System Works refocuses its own playable formula to achieve different game sensations. Or, rather, own sensations.

While each combat continues to be that festival of brutal blows, tight blocks and fireworks in the form of spectacular special moves, it is palpable that the new mobility and the greater presence of the Roman Cancels , a mechanic that extends our actions in exchange for a portion of the tension bar, have the task of establishing the future of the saga both offline and online .

And although the new Guilty Gear already has almost everything necessary to succeed, there are some nuances, as we will see, that deserve to be evaluated before its own launch.

Guilty Gear Strive: lucha, anime y rock’n’roll

Some time has passed since our first contact with Guilty Gear Strive , and that gives us a unique perspective: the good initial impressions of the playable twist of the saga have crystallized in solid and very tangible sensations that affirm that the next chapter of Guilty Gear It will not be that fighting game for a niche audience: Strive is a bombshell called to make noise . Or rather, rock’n’roll.

To start with, because it conquers your eye: Strive is a true visual spectacle in which a spectacular catalog of fighters who radiate character unleash a thousand lightning bolts and explosions across the screen.

The talent and unquestionable artistic value that Arc System Works has injected into the game is obvious. And while we are not caught by new, those from Yokohama have raised their own bar by redesigning each fighter pose, from neutral positions to powerful super attack kinematics, and – in the process – taking them to simply spectacular scenarios.

Strengthening the individual character of each character through small gestures and fully hitting a visual identity as a whole. A renewed image that is born from the new game engine and gains nuances in specific aspects, such as the way in which the veterans of the saga not only release their costumes, but have evolved in combat.

Which brings us to the question of rigor: although, throughout these impressions you will see lots of own captures that are a small brushstroke of how the game looks, what differentiates the versions of PS5 and PS4?

This is how Guilty Gear Strive looks for PS5

Unsurprisingly, Sony’s next-gen console comes out ahead visually, but the PS4 can already boast of offering one of the most spectacular fighting games in its catalog: in essence, Arc System Works has taken advantage of the PS5 hardware. to reduce load times and boost resolution in the process.

Now, beyond the above, the sensations of the game are the same: the intensity of the combats remains intact and the same applies to the response of the fighters. Because Guilty Gear Strive makes you fall in love visually and artistically, but it really conquers you with command in hand.

This is how Guilty Gear Strive looks for PS4

Guilty Gear Strive en PS4

First of all, for the very successful selection of characters that will be the first batch of fighters. Not only do they provide beautifully contrasted styles, but their playstyles encourage us to experiment with them. Which is complemented by robust gameplay mechanics.

Those who come from previous deliveries will notice that the aerial or jump game loses prominence. It is not that mobility has been reduced, we will continue to be able to propel ourselves in the air, but that fighting is subtly encouraged to take place with our feet on the ground. And that, as we will see, is a long-term success.

Arc System Works does not stitch without thread and aligns the rhythm and basic game strategies of its star saga with those of the arcade classics from Capcom or SNK. Especially with the Street Fighter and Samurai Shodown sagas. And that means shorter combo chains, but – and this is essential – in the process it doesn’t clip the wings of Guilty Gear veterans.

Through the Roman Cancels we will have access to that free bar of assaults and counterattacks capable of turning any situation around. And that’s just the beginning: Strive always gives an advantage to those who understand his philosophy of the game (big risk equals big reward) by promoting the perfect blocks and granting moments to those who decide to use up the energy bars.

Moments, everything is said, exquisitely seasoned with some spectacular musical songs, like the one you can listen to below.

With the above in mind, the true secret weapon of Guilty Gear Strive is not only in the artistic or the game mechanics, but in what really makes the difference compared to the rest of the fight proposals: its panel of fighters.

A selection of antiheroes who, regardless of their technique or size, know how to fill the screen individually. And what is better: the explosions derived from making them collide in combat end up being a brutal spectacle that is even palpable at the controls.

Fighters with unbridled movements, but exquisitely technical. Which inevitably brings us to the point that this new installment is truly called to crown above all the above: the online gaming experience.

Rollback netcode, the call to be the new standard in fighting games

One of lime and another of sand: playing Guilty Gear Strive online is a true delight . In fact, it is one of the best experiences that can be offered today thanks to a silky smooth latency. However, finding a rival and leaving is a chore.

Starting with the essentials, and after taking note of the game’s first closed beta, Guilty Gear Strive’s online battles take full advantage of rollback netcode, a predictive technology dedicated to ironing out any harshness in latency and in the process, creates the illusion of eliminating possible lag. Even between very distant connections.

Consequently, fighting online is an experience that is not only very satisfying, but also provides a huge game in order to promote competitive nuances . An increasingly essential aspect in fighting games.

In other words, Guilty Gear Strive’s spectacular and sensational finishes are not tarnished during our online matches. Rather the opposite: it seeks to equalize the sensations of sharing console and, by extension, successfully invites players to make the leap from offline modes.

Unfortunately, not all are positive notes: the Guilty Gear Strive arcade is still an awkward process . You can see that Arc System Works wants to offer an original environment in which we can find new rivals through personalized avatars. But the result has its own weaknesses.

  • To start with, because the room design , which evokes a 2D platform scenario three levels high, makes it unnecessarily cumbersome to organize a fight with another player.
  • On the other hand, because we are offered too many social options that, a priori, have little path.
  • And most important of all: despite the fact that there are shortcuts, in the end it is a cluster of ideas and options that, instead of innovating, represent a step back from the casual player who simply wants to peek a few minutes and take some loose items.

While it was not the final and polished version of the game , throughout these days we have even experienced problems when it comes to moving or connecting with other players in the game rooms. Even within the same region. All in all, it is an aspect to improve or rethink.

That said, it’s not that it’s nonsense. It is palpable that Arc System Works tried to offer an alternative to its room format seen in Dragon Ball FighterZ or Blazblue Cross Tag Battle. Simple details, such as how to create our own avatar, show that there is a job behind it.

However, in fairness, in the end what counts is that once the online match is made, the matches work smoothly. Something that is absolutely essential in Guilty Gear Strive’s constantly creative and technical gameplay proposition.

An online that, despite its game room system, is called upon to establish a chair among the fighting games that are yet to come and that, definitely, is positioned as one of the maximum claims of the call to be the next Arc System bombshell Works.

Guilty Gear Strive, ambitions to be the first great fighting game of the decade

The feelings that Guilty Gear Strive leaves us less than two months after its launch are tremendously positive. Its way of achieving artistic and playable excellence and, in the process, reclaiming its own identity as a fighting game are sensational.

His way of making it clear that Arc System Works not only seeks to evolve its star saga, but also begins to draw the not-so-distant future of the genre itself . Which does not mean that we have liked everything Guilty Gear Strive offers: the online room system needs to be better.

Of course, Strive is much more than casual combats and game rooms : the version of the game that will arrive next April will come bundled with its own story mode or a spectacular practice and training mode in which not only the techniques are shown specials on video, but rather nuances are provided that make a difference.

As a whole, a very solid foundation on which the next great chapter in the saga will be built: Guilty Gear Strive will come out with 15 launch fighters and, in a staggered way, will increase the number based on DLCs and fighter passes. The first batch of post-launch characters is included in its Ultimate and Deluxe editions.

Which makes us ask ourselves something inevitable: are 15 fighters many or few? We will give the definitive answer for the final version of the game, but if we have something clear in fighting games, it is that variety and quality must always be above quantity. And, in that regard, and from what we have been able to prove, Guilty Gear Strive already delivers. Ample.

Enough to ambition the leadership of a new batch of fighting games born on the new generation of consoles and, in the process, be the last must-see in today’s desktop systems. Major words, of course, that we will not take too long to clarify.

The arrival of Guilty Gear Strive is scheduled for next April 9 on PS5, PS4 and PC , with three days of early access in case we bet on the Deluxe (valued at 84.99 euros) and Ultimate (99.99 euros) editions euros). The new absolute benchmark of fighting in video games? Arc System Works is doing the chores to make it happen.

  • Platforms: PS5, PS4 and Steam
  • Multiplayer: Yes
  • Developer: Arc System Works
  • Company: Arc System Works and Bandai Namco
  • Price: 56.99 euros
  • Released: April 9, 2021

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