SportF1Hamilton: The curious story of the farmer who attacks...

Hamilton: The curious story of the farmer who attacks the pilot for promoting veganism

Many people live in the meat industry and that is something that Gareth Wyn Jones wanted to remind the seven-time Formula 1 champion. The most famous farmer in Wales reacted like this after Lewis Hamilton promoted veganism among his followers. “I just read the beginning. from an article by Lewis Hamilton telling his 21 million followers to go vegan. I really respect this guy as a driver, I think he’s brilliant, but I think he was wrong about this and I’ll tell you why. At four in the morning I was up, watching over my cows. I’ve been watching my sheep all day, “Gareth Wyn Jones began on his Twitter account.” My family has been on this farm for 370 years, producing food in a sustainable way. We not only produce meat, but also wool and our own vegetables. We also try to produce as much fruit as possible “, the farmer continued. The farmer to Hamilton:” Do not tell other people how to live or what to eat “Gareth Wyn Jones wanted to remind Lewis Hamilton that thanks to his work, so dignified like any other, he feeds his family. “I think people are losing the sense of what is real. People have lost a screw as to what they should be talking about. I have killed animals and eaten them. I have shot rabbits, I have caught fish and I am proud of it because I feed my family, “he said.” I do not live in Monaco. I don’t live a fake life. I live a life that is true, sincere and part of the land in which we grow up and in which we produce food to feed other people, ”he continued.”That’s what a farmer does so sorry, Lewis, keep running 260 kilometers / hour on the circuit, but do not tell other people how to live or what to eat,” ended the message that Gareth Wyn Jones has addressed to Hamilton. I’m sorry @LewisHamilton I disagree with you on this. – Gareth Wyn Jones (@ 1GarethWynJones) April 15, 2021 Lewis Hamilton’s move to veganism The Briton justified his diet change: “In the end, what you want is to feel great. You want to have energy, to be consistent. You don’t want to have those big swings of highs and lows in your energy levels. Veganism has eliminated that. ”In addition to seeking to help the planet, Lewis Hamilton claims to have helped himself. And, according to him, having switched to veganism has favored his achievements: “There are many things and I always seek to raise the level. One of those things was my sleep pattern and that my stomach didn’t feel right. Your gut is your second brain. They taught us to drink milk and eat meat for protein and I started looking for other areas of research around this. ”The Mercedes driver is 36 years old and has been vegan since he was 32. Since then he has won four of his seven World Championships in form. consecutive despite his age. “When I was 22, it was raw talent. You have a lot of energy, you are in shape, there are no aches or pains ”. This is something that changed when Hamilton entered his thirties; However, he assures that “veganism has eradicated that.” The benefits of veganism in dogs according to Hamilton The seven-time champion has come to make his dog vegan, assuring, among his Instagram followers, that this had had many benefits for him: “Hello Guys, Roscoe is now completely vegan.Since he is vegan, his skin is much smoother, his swollen legs have healed, he does not suffer from arthritis pain, and his breathing has improved. I’m super happy with the results and so is he. ”“ As Nelson Mandela said: ‘Sport has the ability to change the world.’ There is the power of the people who watch, the people who keep this sport as it is, while we continue to provide entertainment and improve entertainment, and we have to encourage them to do the right thing, ”recently argued Lewis Hamilton justifying acts, such as promoting veganism, among His Followers. Will the Briton manage to side with a farmer after the words of Gareth Wyn Jones?

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