FunHappy night of San Juan 2021: the best phrases...

Happy night of San Juan 2021: the best phrases to congratulate the shortest night of the year

Today the night of San Juan is celebrated, the so-called shortest night of the year. A really special night since although it serves to welcome summer , it is also related to a series of rites and traditions to attract good luck. Let’s celebrate tonight in style and also, let’s take the opportunity to congratulate her with the phrases that we are going to offer you below. These are the best phrases to congratulate the shortest night of the year.

Happy night of San Juan 2021: the best phrases to congratulate the shortest night of the year

There are many phrases that we can send to friends and family to congratulate the shortest night of the year . Phrases that allow even being able to recite them in front of the fire of San Juan, to welcome the summer. Some of them are the following:

-Despite this being the shortest night of the year, the nights that you and I have spent are eternal. Happy San Juan 2021!

-On this night of San Juan I only wish that the angels protect you but also that the warm summer sun illuminate you to give you health, love, luck and tranquility. Happy San Juan!

-May the night of San Juan fill us with life and luck to be able to achieve all our projects and live a special summer. Happy Night of San Juan !.

-Happy San Juan Night! They say that this is the shortest night of the year, but for me it will once again be the most intense to be able to celebrate this party with you.

-I wish that the light of the fire of San Juan enlightens you and helps you achieve all your dreams. Good luck tonight and all. Happy Night of San Juan !.

-It is said that on the shortest night of the year the bonfire should be skipped to have good luck, but I don’t need to because luck found it by your side. Happy San Juan’s Night !.

-I hope to see you tonight even if it is the shortest of the year. Let’s celebrate San Juan like we couldn’t do it last year and let’s live the best summer of our lives. Happy San Juan!

-Tomorrow is San Juan and it is your day because it is your saint so Congratulations! But first let’s live this night with intensity because it is the shortest of the year.

-Hurry, the Night of San Juan has arrived and with it, the shortest night of the year. We have few hours to enjoy and welcome, finally, the summer.

-Happy San Juan Night !. Happy summer!. The days of vacation are finally here and that we are together again. Let’s celebrate!.

Phrases to celebrate the arrival of summer

San Juan is in some way the celebration to welcome summer, so that we can also take the opportunity to send our loved ones some phrases dedicated to this season:

-Diffuse light, brightness. Summer is essential and compels all souls to happiness. (André Gide)

-Live in sunlight, swim in the sea, drink outdoors. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

-In summer, at night, the noises are celebratory. (Edgar Allan Poe)

-The best memories are born on the hottest beaches. (Edgar Allan Poe)

-The summer night is like the perfection of thought. (Wallace Stevens)

-Summer is made up of sun, beaches and starry nights.

-A life without love is like a year without a summer. (Swedish proverb)

-Summer. A summer is always exceptional, hot or cold, dry or wet. (Gustave Flaubert)

-The summer that escapes is a friend that leaves. (Victor Hugo)

-Midsummer Night has a slight smile and sits on a sapphire throne. (Barry Cornwall)

Meaning of the night of San Juan, why is it celebrated on June 23?

The celebration of the night of San Juan is a party because it is the eve of San Juan, which within Christendom is Saint John the Baptist.

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We tell you how many times you have to jump the bonfire in San Juan 2021 to attract fortune and good luck.

When is the night of San Juan celebrated?

We tell you when the night of San Juan is celebrated, the most magical of the year, and what are the main traditions.

In which communities is Saint John's Day a holiday?

There are two autonomous communities in Spain that celebrate June 24, Saint John's Day, as a public holiday.

The best places to celebrate the night of San Juan 2021

The night of San Juan is celebrated throughout Spain in a different way. This year, the restrictions will mark the celebration again.
