LivingTravelHow much makeup should you wear traveling with you?

How much makeup should you wear traveling with you?

If you are planning to travel, it can be difficult to decide how much makeup to take with you. Apply too much in humid conditions and you will find yourself sweaty and with a scratched face; Pack very little for a trip to Milan fashion and you’ll feel out of place amongst the beautiful locals.

Deciding how much makeup to wear on your trip, but luckily, it’s one of those items that doesn’t matter as much if you pack excessively – a lipstick that you carry with you but never wear won’t push you off your weight, limit flights, or make your backpack is much heavier.

Where will you go?

The most important factor in how much makeup to pack is which country you will visit, your travel style, and how long your travels will last.

Which country? – The general rule of thumb is that the hotter the country, the less makeup you want to wear. You may think that you will wear makeup every day, even if it’s hot (I did), but when you get there, you will probably feel uncomfortable when wearing a full face.

Constant sweating will make your makeup run, and wearing primer, foundation, concealer, and more, all on top of your sunscreen, will make you sweaty and uncomfortable.

If you are traveling in colder countries, you will be able to wear a lot more makeup without risking discomfort or blemishes.

Travel Style : In general, if you are backpacking, you will probably wear less makeup. There are, of course, exceptions (me), but traveling on a budget generally means you won’t be carrying much and you don’t want to fill up your backpack’s precious space with makeup.

Not many backpackers wear makeup when traveling, usually just eyeliner, mascara, some lip gloss, so you may not be bothering soon either.

If you are a luxury traveler, you are likely traveling with a larger suitcase where you can put a few more items.

Length of your trip : If you’re traveling for a week, you can pick up a couple of trip-size makeup items that will last the duration of your trip. If you are traveling for a year, you may want to wear enough makeup to last that long. Remember, though, that you should be able to find your favorite makeup brands in most countries in the world, and Sephoras are found in most major cities.

Sunscreen is essential

The only essential item for your travel makeup kit is sunscreen. Sunscreen helps you avoid sunburn, prevent skin cancer, and stop premature aging of the face and body. Travel around the world for a year and don’t wear sunscreen and you’ll regret it when you’re older. Try to find a sunscreen that is light enough and not greasy to keep you cool in hot countries. Prioritize the application on your face and neck, which ages longer under UV rays.

Makeup essentials

As I travel full time, I choose to take one of almost everything with me, because I often travel in hot and cold climates, and sometimes I like to push myself with my looks. Here is my current travel beauty packing list:

  • Too Faced Hanover Face Primer and Eye Insurance Eye Primer
  • Too Faced Born To Way Foundation
  • Urban Decay Bare Skin Concealer in Light Neutral
  • Becca’s Luminous Blush in Snapdragon
  • Mineralize Skinfinish from Mac in Give Me Sun
  • Becca’s Shimmering Skin Perfector in Champagne Pop
  • Tarte’s Lights Camera Lashes for Mascara
  • Tarte’s Tartelette in Bloom Eyeshadow Palette
  • Smashbox Always Sharp Waterproof Eyeliner in Black
  • Kylie Cosmetics Lip Kit in Candy K
  • Bite Beauty Amuse Bouche Lipstick in sake and icing
  • Make Up For Ever Artist Plexi-Gloss in shade 202
  • Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Wiz in soft brown
  • Anastasia Beverly Hills’ Tinted Brow Gel in Caramel
  • Some random perfume samples I had lying around
  • A handful of Morphe and Sigma brushes.

It sounds like a lot, but in reality, a lot of these are very small and lightweight items and I can pack them in a little toiletry bag without much trouble.

What to leave behind

Try to leave behind the things that are not completely necessary for your makeup routine – foundation will be uncomfortable in humid environments if that is where you will exclusively travel, bronzer is often unnecessary when you get a deep tan. Lipstick is also quite uncomfortable in high temperatures, which is why I often go for lip balm with SPF.

Travel does little maintenance

You might not think that will happen to you, but traveling makes for a lot less maintenance, especially in terms of makeup. I think almost every female traveler I’ve come across has told me that just a week after their trip they found themselves with less makeup and looking natural.

The reasons for this? Laziness, high temperatures, hanging out with people you probably won’t see again, and meeting other girls who don’t wear a lot of makeup.

At the end of the day, take what makes you feel comfortable, don’t worry about carrying too much, since everything is mostly light and, above all, focus on enjoying your experiences more than you seem.
