LivingHow to Clean Your Breast Pump for Safe Breastfeeding

How to Clean Your Breast Pump for Safe Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is the best food that our baby can receive, especially in these times of pandemic that we are experiencing. Studies have shown that breast milk may help prevent or treat Covid-19, as whey proteins kill most live strains of the virus.

In addition, the WHO recommends maintaining breastfeeding even if the mother is infected with coronavirus, as the benefits it brings to the baby substantially outweigh the potential risks of transmission.

But if you are breastfeeding you have to take all the necessary preventive measures, and this also includes the correct handling and cleaning of the breast pump in case you are using it to supplement your baby or make your own bank. We share with you the advice of the Medela experts so that the use of the breast pump is safe.

How to clean the breast pump against COVID-19?

The permanence of the virus on different surfaces has been analyzed during the pandemic. Studies such as the one published in The New England Journal of Medicine affirm that the virus remains alive in aerosols for up to three hours, in copper for four hours, in cardboard for 24 hours, and in plastic and stainless steel for 48 to 72 hours.

For this reason, the possibility of the pumps becoming contaminated is one of the aspects that worries mothers the most. In this sense, Medela advises following the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for cleaning, and which we detail below.

Hand hygiene

Proper hand hygiene is always essential, but especially when we handle food or objects that our baby is going to put in his mouth. Therefore, the first rule of thumb when using your breast pump is to wash your hands well with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

Cleaning the external device and surfaces

Next, we must clean the dials of the device, the power button and the surface where we are going to place it with a disposable towel. At the end of the extraction we must repeat this same procedure.

Separate the components and wash them

Once we have finished using our breast pump, we must separate the different components (including those that are in contact with the breast or breast milk) and rinse them with water to remove traces of milk. The pieces can be washed in the dishwasher or by hand in a container exclusively for baby feeding items.

Hand washing the breast pump

If you choose to hand wash the breast pump, these are the steps you must follow for proper cleaning:

  • Place the extractor parts in a clean container with hot, soapy water. They must never be placed directly in the sink and the container must be exclusively used for baby feeding articles.

  • Clean the parts according to the manufacturer’s instructions. If a brush is used, it must be clean and dedicated exclusively to cleaning the baby’s feeding items.

  • Rinse with running water under the tap or with fresh water in another container.

  • Air dry completely . Place the pump parts, wash bowl, and bottle brush on a clean, unused cloth or paper towel in a location that is protected from dirt and dust.

  • Clean the wash bowl and cleaning brush. They should be rinsed well and allowed to air dry after each use. They should also be washed by hand or in the dishwasher on a regular basis.

Dishwasher-safe breast pump

If the extractor parts are dishwasher safe, the following instructions should be followed:

  • Place small items in a closed basket or mesh bag. Add soap and, if possible, use the hot water wash function and the hot dry (or sanitize) cycle.

  • Remove the components with clean hands. If they are not dry, they need to be placed on an unused cloth or paper towel to dry completely.

Store the pump until its next use

Finally, the extractor components, the parts, the brushes used and the containers used in the process must be kept completely dry in a clean and protected place until their next use.

In addition, experts also recommend disinfection of the parts at least once a day or in case the components of the extractor are new or have not been used for some time.

The CDC advises performing this disinfection with boiling water, in a dishwasher with a hot or steam drying cycle, using the microwave or a sterilizing device. This step is recommended especially if the baby is less than three months old, premature, or has a weakened immune system.

Photos | iStock

Via | Medela

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