Tech UPTechnologyHow to switch browsers on iOS and Android easily

How to switch browsers on iOS and Android easily

In both Android and iOS it is extremely common and normal to have a default browser , which means that it is the browser that starts to display a web page every time we click on a hyperlink in the email message or on any shortcut that we find it in any of the social network apps, such as Twitter.

In the case of Facebook, as you probably know, it already has an integrated web browser, so each time we click on a web page within the application, the platform’s browser will immediately open, without having to exit the application. .

If in Windows the default browser is Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge (which will depend on the version of the operating system that we are using), in the case of macOS the same thing happens with Safari. And, indeed, while in iOS we will also have this option as the default browser, if we use Android as the OS for our mobile phone, it is most likely that the browser is Google Chrome.

Luckily, just as we can do on the computer or Mac, on our mobile phone it is also perfectly possible to modify the browser chosen by default, and choose a new option as the default browser. We explain how to get it.

Changing the default browser on Android

First of all, we must go to the screen dedicated to the main menu, and click on the Settings application. It is common to find it easily on the home screen, or within the applications section of the operating system.

Now we click on the Applications section, and we look for the browser that is currently configured as the default. We change to the All tab to see all the installed applications, and we press the browser in order to select it (you will find it as Browser or Internet).

We must now scroll down and click on Delete default values , which will eliminate that particular browser as the default browser.

Now we click on any link to open a web page, and doing so will open a new window asking us to choose the browser we want to use to access that site. We click on the icon of our favorite browser, and finally we choose the option Always .

Changing the default browser on iOS

If you want to set another web browser as the default on your iPhone or iPad, instead of Safari, Google Chrome becomes one of the easiest options.

To do so, you just have to open the Chrome application, click on More and then on Settings . Now you will have to touch on Change default browser , and finally click on Default browser application .

Right here you will have to choose the Chrome option. Since then, each and every link you click will automatically open in the browser developed by Google.

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