LivingTravelHow to transition Burning Man back to the default...

How to transition Burning Man back to the default world

Burning Man Caravansary took place during the last week of August this year (like every year). It was full of amazing art installations, beautiful music, beautiful people, and overall it was a mind-blowing parallel universe. No wonder it’s so difficult to leave such a wonderful place behind.

Post-beach depression is a real thing, and it’s completely normal to experience it when you return to the “default world” after a wonderful week in Black Rock City.

After my first fire three years ago, I handled it pretty well. I felt like I had seen a lot and met some really cool people. The second year, for some reason, every time I saw something Burning Man related, I wanted to cry (and sometimes I did). I couldn’t handle it without becoming an emotional wreck. This year after my third burn, I am somewhere in between the two extremes.

So what are the steps that those of us with the post-Burning Man blues can take to combat the feeling of a lost “home”? Here are 5 suggestions for getting back to the default world:

Know you had a big burn

Part of the reason you feel so depressed is probably because you enjoyed your burn so much that you are having a hard time dealing with the fact that it is over. You probably met amazing people and saw amazing things that just don’t seem to exist in the real world. At the same time, you probably feel like you missed a lot and wish you had more time to experience it all.

I tend to have intense FOMO (fear of missing out) feelings during most festivals, but Burning Man is by far the worst. So many things happen everywhere, all the time, that it is impossible to feel that I have seen and done everything.

The only way to combat these feelings is to accept that you did exactly what you wanted and needed to do at all times. That means you made it live the party to the fullest for you, personally. That is the true nature and spirit of Burning Man, after all.

take care of yourself

If you can take more time off work to regain sleep, do so. If you are a yogi, do some yoga. No matter what your normal routine is, try infusing it with some exercise or other activities that induce endorphins.

Whatever you do, don’t continue the party. Your body and brain need to rest. Honor your body, take a nice long shower, and eat all the fresh veggies you didn’t get while at the beach. Enjoy the bounty of the default world.

Find a burner community

There are burner communities in almost every major city in the world. Search Google and / or Facebook groups to see what might be available near you.

Connecting with like-minded people is a great way to keep the good feelings of your burn alive.

Attend a decompression event

Many major cities, such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, London, and many more have post-burn events a few months after the Burn ends. These are called decompression and the Burning Man website has compiled a list of events that happen around the world.

There are also spinoff festivals like AfrikaBurn, Nowhere, and Fusion Festival.

Incorporate elements of the beach into daily life

What did you enjoy in Burning Man? Was it the music? Listen to more music that you loved and attend more live shows. Did you love the spiritual aspect? Take the time for it in your daily life. Did you love the personal connections? Look for them more, especially within an aforementioned burner community.

Above all, appreciate and acknowledge the amazing time you had and prepare for the next burn!

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