Tech UPTechnologyHow to watch TV on the Internet

How to watch TV on the Internet

If you are living abroad, you may not be able to access all the television channels. It is also possible that your television has broken down or that you do not have one, so a good option is to watch TV over the Internet. Currently there are numerous subscription services as well as free websites.

In addition, these services are available to anyone with an Internet connection and a device (tablet, mobile phone or computer). If this is your case, you will only have to log in to the platform you want and enjoy your favorite program.

Visit the web pages of the different chains

Some television networks offer a large amount of free content on their digital platforms. In fact, some chains even offer applications that can be installed on the mobile phone or tablet. Without a doubt, it is the best option to enjoy live broadcasts or previous episodes of programs.

However, you will need to make sure that you have a good internet connection, as the image quality may be affected.

Explore shows via YouTube

Also, some television networks offer free access to shows and movies directly from YouTube. Therefore, you should explore the different channels of this video platform to obtain complete content. You can click on the various categories (at the top of the page) to see what this website has to offer.

You can also search for programs that other users of the platform have uploaded, as some people are dedicated to sharing content.

Subscription services

Although you will not be able to enjoy live television, some subscription services (such as Netflix, HBO, Disney Plus or Amazon Prime) offer a wide variety of movies and series. In addition, you can search for shows and movies and watch them whenever you want. Of course, some television networks also offer subscription service so that you can access their content from your computer.

In addition, if you already paid for an Amazon Prime account, you will have access to all their television shows, documentaries, series and movies, including exclusive content.

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