FunHumanism: What is it, concept and characteristics of this...

Humanism: What is it, concept and characteristics of this movement

One of the most widespread philosophical , social, intellectual and cultural movements throughout Europe, and born from the Renaissance was humanism that gave rise not only to various cultural currents, but also philosophical and even theological. Let us know below everything about Humanism: What it is, concept and characteristics of this movement

Humanism: What is it, concept and characteristics of this movement

Humanism is an intellectual movement that began in Italy in the 15th century during the Renaissance and spread throughout Europe, breaking with the strong influence of the Church and religious thought of the Middle Ages. Theocentrism (God as the center of everything) gives way to anthropocentrism, that is, man becomes the center of interest.

In the field of science in particular, humanistic thinking deviated from the dogmas and dictates of the Church . Thanks to this, great advances were made in fields such as physics , mathematics, engineering and medicine.

The themes of humanism

Humanism was also characterized by developing several themes, all focused on the enhancement and freedom of the human being. Among these topics, we can mention: faith in man, educational renewal, return to ancient culture, reflection on politics, direct spirituality.

Humanists see in man a being capable of changing the world , of making humanity better, thanks in particular to his intelligence, curiosity and wisdom. For humanists, therefore, it is up to man to seek knowledge and wisdom . Humanists advocate a new way of teaching, that is, a more pragmatic teaching and the diversification of disciplines. They want to redefine politics, they are pacifists and they want to create an ideal world, where justice reigns.

Humanists also advocate a return to ancient culture to restore humanity to all its virtues. In the religious sphere, for example, humanists advocate reading the Bible , that is, they prefer direct access to the word of God rather than the explanations of the priests.

Characteristics of humanism

Among the main characteristics of humanism we can mention:

  • It is the symbol of the transition between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance ;
  • the development of the human being ;
  • the urgency of the bourgeoisie ;
  • the emphasis on anthropocentrism, that is, man at the center of the universe ;
  • improving human emotions.
  • the abandonment of dogmas;
  • promoting divergent opinions and debates;
  • the highlighting of rationalism and the scientific method.

    Humanism in the arts

Through his works inspired by the classics of Greco-Roman antiquity; models of truth, beauty and perfection; intellectuals and artists began to explore human-related issues. The sculptures and paintings exhibited during the a high level of development of facial expressions and a very strong human dimension.

Humanism has also been characterized by the development of various techniques . In the plastic arts and medicine, humanism was represented in works and studies on the anatomy and functioning of the human body.

Main names and works of humanism

Among the main artists and humanist works of the Renaissance, we can mention:

In literature

  • Francesco Petrarca : Songbook
  • Dante Alighieri : Divine Comedy
  • Giovanni Boccacio : The Decameron
  • Thomas More or Thomas More : The Agony of Christ and the Epitaph

In the paint

  • Leonardo da Vinci : The Last Supper, Mona Lisa and the Vitruvian Man
  • Michelangelo: the creation of Adam, the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and the last judgment
  • Sandro Botticelli: the birth of Venus

In sculpture

  • Michelangelo: The Pieta, Moses and the Madonna of Bruges
  • Donatello : Saint Mark, the Prophet and David

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