NewsIcy mountain cold from the east hits Bavaria: weather...

Icy mountain cold from the east hits Bavaria: weather experts warn of droughts in March

One high follows the next in Bavaria. Weather expert Dominik Jung therefore predicts a drought in March. Meanwhile, a high altitude cold from Russia is looming.

Munich – sun, sun and more sun. Bavarians can look forward to numerous walks and excursions in the sunshine in March. Lino followed Hoch Kai and now Hoch Martin is coming too. From Sunday or Monday at the latest, the high will bring us sun again. However, the temperatures usually remain in the single digits. predicts maximum values between 5 and 9 degrees for the Free State in the next few days. Weather* expert Dominik Jung from even speaks of a “drought March” in a statement. According to weather models, it should remain dry until at least March 20th. Jung’s summer forecast*, on the other hand, is gloomy and thundery.

Weather in Bavaria: drought in March is imminent – high altitude cold comes from Russia

“Day by day, possible precipitation from the weather models is pushed further back,” explains Jung his assumption. “The weather situation seems to be deadlocked.” The expert warns that this could possibly also be the starting signal for a new spring of drought. “That doesn’t look very good.”

March 2022 will be flooded with sunshine. But not only. Next week from Wednesday apparently very cold mountain air will come from Russia to Germany. “We measure around minus 10 to minus 13 degrees at an altitude of around 1500 m,” explains Jung.

Video: The Bavarian weather, on Friday, March 4th

High altitude cold from Russia hits Bavaria: an expert explains the effects

In January, such an air mass would have brought “permafrost and night values down to minus 20 degrees”. In March, however, things are different. “The sun is higher and strong,” Jung said in the statement. He therefore expects a maximum of night frost and daytime values of around 5 degrees due to the cold at high altitudes. In the sun, the whole thing feels like 10 to 15 degrees again.

“In short: this icy mountain cold has hardly any effect on us and there is no snow either.” So the dry phase really seems to be gaining ground. Since the sun is already so high, Jung warns of the danger of sunburn. “You shouldn’t underestimate that, especially at lunchtime.” (tkip) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

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