Living"If it seems like I'm always breastfeeding, it's because...

"If it seems like I'm always breastfeeding, it's because I am," Emily Ratajkowski's heartfelt message on breastfeeding

In recent years we have seen many celebrities normalize and defend breastfeeding , sharing those moments when they feed their babies, usually accompanied by a message about how precious this experience can be.

The model Emily Ratajkowski, who was one of the celebrities who were part of the baby boom during the pandemic, has recently published a photograph breastfeeding her baby, but unlike other similar images, the expression on her face and the message that accompanies it It shows us that sincere, real and often exhausting side of breastfeeding .

If it seems that I am breastfeeding, it is because I always am ” is the simple but direct caption that accompanies the two photographs that the model has published this weekend on her Instagram account.

In the first image, Emily shows us one more of those photographs in which, like any mother, she watches her baby while feeding her milk. But in the second, which many have related more to the caption, he turns to the camera with a serious expression and we can even see that his gaze looks somewhat tired .


This is not the first time that the model shares photos breastfeeding her baby, but unlike the previous ones, in these images Emily shows us that more real side of breastfeeding , even making it clear that if she shares photos like this lately on her account , it is because it spends much of the time feeding it.

And it is that although breastfeeding is a wonderful experience full of love, and undoubtedly the best food we can give our children, it can also be very demanding and exhausting, so it is not always that idyllic and beautiful experience that we see in photographs .

His publication has more than 1,890,000 likes , and personally I must admit that I love it when celebrities or mothers with public channels share these kinds of moments, in which they show motherhood in a sincere and transparent way.

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