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If you want to know if your PC is compatible with Windows 11, here are the minimum requirements and a free tool to check it

Yesterday took place the great revelation that we expected. Windows 11 was introduced to the world by Microsoft and we were all attentive to any succulent news. For example, we know that video games will perform better than ever with this operating system and built-in Xbox Game Pass.

During the next Christmas we will be able to enjoy this free update on new PCs and some existing ones . That is why to know if our system is compatible with this new version, some fundamental factors must be taken into account: the minimum requirements. These are what the company has revealed:

Minimum requirements for Windows 11

  • Processor : 64-bit or SoC, 2 or more cores and 1 GHz or more.
  • Memory : a minimum of 4GB of RAM.
  • Storage : 64GB minimum available.
  • Graphics card : compatible with DirectX 12 and WDDM 2.x driver.
  • Screen : greater than 9 inches and HD resolution (720p).
  • Firmware: computer with UEFI and compatible with Secure Boot.
  • TPM: it will be essential to have the Trusted Platform Module 2.0 on our motherboard.
  • Internet connection and a Microsoft account.

To make sure that everything should work correctly, we will have to make use of the free PC Health Check application , which is official from Microsoft and allows us to quickly know if we are compatible. Genbeta’s colleagues explain how to do it and you can download the program from this link.

On the other hand, the TPM mentioned above may not be present on your computer with one or two years old, so from Engadget they have made a great article in which they explain what this feature consists of and how to check if we have it . Finally, if you want to know all the news presented by Microsoft, you can do it through Engadget, which has compiled everything new that Windows 11 will bring.
