News"Important innovation": Spahn announces new entry regulations for the...

"Important innovation": Spahn announces new entry regulations for the summer – what parents need to know

The corona numbers are falling – and the mood in the regular press conference by Health Minister Spahn and RKI boss Wieler is better than last. The news ticker.

  • Jens Spahn, Lothar Wieler and Anja Karliczek have given a joint PK.
  • Traveling in summer was right at the top of the agenda.
  • This news ticker on the corona situation * in Germany * is continuously updated.

Update from May 12, 11:56 a.m .: The Corona-PK in Berlin is coming to an end. What Spahn first announced: that in the course of declining corona numbers, the federal government is making traveling in Europe easier. The most important of the entry regulations approved by the Federal Cabinet this Wednesday:

  • Parents must be vaccinated when traveling, children do not.
  • Vaccinated / convalescents no longer need a negative test when entering Germany and no longer have to be in quarantine. – unless they come from a virus variant area.
  • All other groups of people can test themselves freely if they come from a risk area: Either with an antigen test not older than 48 hours or a PCR test that is not older than 72 hours.

Update from May 12, 11.55 a.m.: Now the topic of Biontech vaccinations for children (see first report) . Is the “summer vacation schedule” too ambitious? The paediatricians would of course have to be included in the campaign, and “that was never thought otherwise,” replies Spahn.

It was agreed with the federal states to think about how the vaccination offer – if approved – could be implemented “by the end of the summer vacation”. He is aware that the countries end at different times, stresses Spahn. But he is optimistic that this can succeed.

Corona crisis: Spahn does not want a national solution for the digital vaccination certificate

Update from May 12, 11.35 a.m .: Spahn does not want a national solution for the digital vaccination certificate. A European and worldwide networked passport is important, instead of a solution only for Germany. To develop a digital vaccination card that is compatible throughout the EU, “if we succeed in doing that, we would set a global standard,” believes Spahn.

Update from May 12th, 11:33 am : The most powerful tool is vaccination, “no question about it,” continues Wieler. “But also reduce contacts, keep your distance, wear a mask, ventilate. Please take test offers. ”Until one can“ largely ”dispense with measures, the number of immune in the population must be“ well over 80 percent ”. “We don’t want to reach them by getting infected. We want that to happen through vaccination, ”appeals the RKI boss. “That will take some time.”

RKI boss on the corona situation in Germany: “Are on the right track”

Update from May 12, 11:29 am : We are on the right track,” says Wieler. The corona numbers fell in all age groups and federal states. 10 percent of citizens are fully vaccinated. In school children and young adults, the RKI observed the highest incidences of around 150. In addition, Wieler warns: “More than 1000 people continue to die of Covid-19 in our country every week”. But the situation in the intensive care units could relax with joint effort in the coming weeks.

Update from May 12, 11:22 am : Falling corona numbers, fewer Covid 19 deaths – what is the outlook for the summer? “Everything is going in the right direction,” said Spahn. “But we currently have easing incidences where other countries are not yet easing.” The question of how July and August will be will be decided “not today”. If the incidence increases, measures would have to be taken again.

Entry rules to Germany: Spahn with an important innovation

Update from May 12th, 11:20 am : Spahn has “an important innovation” in the PK. When entering Germany from risk areas, the quarantine can now be shortened by testing, directly after entry. The cabinet has just passed a uniform entry regulation.

Update from May 12, 11:16 a.m .: The development of drugs cannot be carried out by smaller companies alone, explains Karliczek. “That’s why we have the 300 million in our luggage.” Having production capacities ready, “we saw that with vaccines” is a challenge, she says.

“I want to dampen the expectation that we will have drugs tomorrow,” she says at the end of her speech on research funding. The development sometimes took decades. Depending on the severity, there must be different therapies and approaches. “And that’s why it’s good that we’re getting involved in funding in so many ways,” she says, handing over the floor to Spahn.

Karliczek in Corona-PK with Spahn and Wieler: “Research funding has paid off”

Update from May 12, 11:07 a.m .: Karliczek is the first to have the floor in the PK with Spahn and Wieler. It starts with the falling incidence, but also says: “The pandemic is not over and the consequences will occupy us for a while.” But we have come a long way. “As Research Minister, I am proud to say that, it is thanks to science.” Above all, she thanks Biontech for the first vaccine approved in the EU. “You have achieved something epic.”

“Every cent of research funding has paid off.” Now it is about drugs against Covid-19 “to take the horror of the pandemic in the next few years”. Complete protection against disease will not be achieved in all vaccinated persons, and not everyone wants to be vaccinated.

Corona in Germany: Karliczek, Spahn and Wieler inform about the situation in PK

Our first report from May 12th : Berlin – Corona vaccination also for children – and possibly still in May: The European Medicines Agency (EMA) is working on an accelerated approval of the Biontech vaccine * for twelve to 15 year olds. EMA boss Emer Cooke told various European newspapers. The USA and Canada have already taken this step.

Federal Minister of Education Anja Karliczek – who will give a Corona PK today together with RKI * boss Lothar Wieler and Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU *) – was confident. For children between six months and twelve years it will “probably take a while,” said the CDU politician of the Rheinische Post .

Family vacation despite Corona? Minister of Education optimistic for the summer

Where should the vaccinations take place? According to Karliczek, either in schools or with family doctors. For many parents, however, it is important to be there when their children are vaccinated, the minister said. “So it might even be easier to do it at the family doctor,” she told RTL / ntv .

Karliczek assumes that families can travel in summer, including abroad. “A large number of us all will then be vaccinated and the tests also create increasing security,” she told the newspaper. In schools, especially in elementary schools, tests will have to be continued even after the holidays.

Stiko chairman: want to carefully check corona vaccination for children

The Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) urges patience. “In any case, we want to carefully check the data on the vaccination of children before a general vaccination recommendation for children can be given,” said Stiko Chairman Thomas Mertens of the newspaper Welt .

“Arguments currently being discussed such as vacation cannot be the primary decision-relevant arguments of Stiko.” If approval is granted for children from 12 to 15 years, “then children with serious pre-existing illnesses should actually be vaccinated first”.

RKI reports new Germany numbers: Corona incidence has fallen

To accelerate the vaccination campaigns in Europe, the EU Commission wants to force the supply of the member states with the corona vaccine from Astrazeneca *. Then, with a total of 120 million cans in the first half of the year, the manufacturer would deliver as much as it had originally contractually promised for the first three months. The Belgian judiciary is responsible for the case.

This Wednesday morning, the RKI reports 14,909 new registered corona infections and 268 new deaths or with Covid-19. That is around 3,100 fewer infections than last Wednesday. The nationwide 7-day incidence * fell from 115.4 the previous day to 107.8. It is an essential yardstick for tightening or relaxing corona requirements. * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIEN

Rubric picture: © Kay Nietfeld / da

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