LivingTravelIndonesia Travel Essentials

Indonesia Travel Essentials

General information

  • Time: GMT +7 to +9 hours depending on the location
  • Telephone country code: +62
  • Capital city: Jakarta (population: 10.1 million)
  • Primary religion: Islam

What to expect from trips to Indonesia

Indonesia, the fourth most populous country in the world, is spread over more than 17,000 islands . Imagine the possibilities of travel and adventure!

From tiny island paradises and raging party scenes to rainforests where indigenous tribes with little western contact were still collecting heads a short time ago, you can find it on an island somewhere in Indonesia. The sheer size is staggering, as is the diversity of people. Indonesia is the most populous Islamic country in the world, Bali is primarily Hindu, and you will find Christianity scattered everywhere.

With dozens of active volcanoes constantly working across the landscape, Indonesia is one of the most geologically tumultuous places on earth.

Indonesia visa requirements

US citizens and most nationalities need a visa to travel to Indonesia. You can get a 30-day visa on arrival at airports for US $ 25, but not at all seaports. The visa on arrival can be extended once for an additional 30 days while in Indonesia.

The ports of entry around Indonesia have different rules; Your safest bet is to apply for a tourist visa before entering Indonesia.

  • Read about how to get a travel visa.


  • Population: 248.6 million (fourth most populous country in the world)
  • Ethnic groups: 40.6% Javanese; 15% Sudanese; 3.3% mature; 44.1% others.
  • Life expectancy: 71.6 years.

You will meet friendly people but also widespread poverty, especially when you are further away from Bali or Jakarta. It is estimated that 50% of the mass population earn less than US $ 2 per day.

People in Indonesia must carry an identification card with their religion; choosing ‘agnostic’ or ‘atheist’ is not an accepted option. Due to the emphasis on religion, which has caused a lot of conflict in the past, don’t be discouraged if someone asks your religion at the beginning of a conversation!

As a foreigner, you can be a bit of a novelty while traveling through parts of Indonesia; don’t be surprised if you are asked to pose for photos with strangers.

Money in indonesia

  • Currency: IDR – Indonesian Rupiah. The local abbreviation ‘Rp’ is placed before the price.
  • GDP per capita: US $ 4,700

As a traveler, you will end up with a wad of worn and faded Rp 1000, Rp 2000 and Rp 5000 bills. These are useful for little tips or street snacks, but most of the time it will work with Rp 10,000; Rp 20,000; and Rp50,000 notes. The coins are in circulation, but you rarely find them, apart from the occasional 500-child coin (half a rupee).

Variable reliability western network ATMs can be found in tourist areas. It is not unusual for an ATM on an island to break or run out of money for days, so bring forms of backup cash. See tips on carrying money in Asia.

Credit cards are rarely accepted outside of the big hotels and dive shops, both of which can add a commission when you pay with plastic. Visa and Mastercard are the most widely accepted.

Tipping is not expected in Indonesia, however it is common to round up fees when paying drivers. Read more about tips in Asia.


  • Official language: Bahasa Indonesian

With so many ethnic groups separated by water and distance, more than 700 languages and dialects are spread throughout the archipelago. While the language barrier is rarely a problem in travel hubs, English and even Bahasa Indonesian are hard to find in remote places that have their own dialects.

Bahasa Indonesia is very similar to Malay, not tonal, and relatively easy to learn with consistent pronunciation rules. Many Dutch words, adopted during colonization, are used for everyday objects.

  • See how to say hello in Indonesian.

What to see and do in Indonesia

  • See the best places to visit in Indonesia.
  • Sumatra in Indonesia is the only other place in the world to see wild orangutans outside of Borneo. Gunung Leuser National Park is a popular place for hiking and orangutan watching.
  • Indonesia, particularly Flores, is the last refuge for the endangered Komodo dragon.
  • Lake Toba in North Sumatra is the largest volcanic lake in the world; The colossal explosion and the resulting volcanic winter are believed to have permanently affected humanity. Pulau Samosir, an island formed in the center of the lake, was once home to head hunters and is now a popular place to visit.
  • Climbing the many active volcanoes in Indonesia is an exciting adventure with rewarding views.
  • The three Gili Islands in Indonesia are unique pieces of paradise.
  • Bali is the tourist hub of Indonesia and is a great place to try surfing for the first time. See where Bali is.

Popular festivals and festivals:

Because different religions and ethnic groups bring their own holidays to the table, you will always find a festival or event somewhere. Research your planned destinations separately for holidays that could affect accommodation and transportation.

  • The Islamic holy month of Ramadan is observed in much of Indonesia; dates change annually. Read about travel during Ramadan.
  • Indonesian Independence Day (Hari Merdeka) is celebrated on August 17.
  • The Chinese New Year is celebrated in parts of Indonesia.

Get there

While Jakarta is the busiest airport in the country, a large portion of Indonesian tourists enter through Denpasar International Airport in Bali, officially known as Ngurah Rai International Airport (airport code: DPS).

  • See tips for finding the cheapest flights to Bali.

Due to its sheer size, Indonesia is dotted with airports ranging from modern facilities to individual runways that are blocked by roaming animals.

Indonesian police are in the crosshairs after the stampede that left 131 dead

After one of the worst tragedies in the history of football, the Indonesian authorities have begun to sanction the agents who unleashed the avalanche at a football match.

At least 127 killed in riots at soccer match in Indonesia

Supporters of the losing team invaded the field; the police fired tear gas causing a stampede of the crowd and cases of asphyxiation leaving 180 injured.

Why FIFA and Fortnite are banned in Indonesia

The country already allows some services to operate, such as Steam. However, several platforms have failed to comply with the MR5 law.

Mount Merapi volcano spews lava and ash – hundreds flee

Mount Merapi is considered the most active volcano in Indonesia. Last night he again forced many people to flee from lava and ash.

Heavy earthquake in Sumatra: at least two dead

A 6.2 magnitude earthquake struck the Indonesian island of Sumatra on Friday morning. Two people are killed and others are injured.
