NewsItaly vacation despite Corona: "Green Pass" necessary - travelers...

Italy vacation despite Corona: "Green Pass" necessary – travelers need to know that now

A vacation in Italy is also possible during the Corona crisis – but under special conditions.

Rome – Italy is one of the most popular vacation destinations for Germans. Every year, millions of people travel by plane or car to cities like Rome, Milan, Florence or islands like Capri.

However, if you want to go on holiday * in Italy this summer, you have to observe special rules due to the Corona * pandemic: Among other things, a form must be submitted when entering the country. In addition, there is a certificate that regulates the attendance of numerous cultural events as well as the gastronomy.

Italy vacation despite Corona: that’s behind the “Green Pass”

The “Green Pass” was introduced in Italy at the beginning of August 2021. Initially, it only applied to a few areas, but the concept is to be expanded to include others. The gastronomy in Italy is one of the areas already affected: Since August 6, only guests who have been vaccinated against the coronavirus, have recovered from a Covid-19 disease or have tested negative for Sars-CoV-2 can be served in indoor areas.

The “Green Pass” is therefore comparable to the anti-Covid certificate from the European Union or the CovPass app from Germany. This is also being used more and more in Germany, for example since the 3G rule was expanded. The certificate, which can be presented digitally, in the catering industry only applies to the case that a guest actually wants to sit down indoors. Anyone standing at the bar inside and having a coffee is excluded. The outside areas as well. The “Green Pass” requirement applies from the age of twelve.

The restaurateurs are required by politicians to check the “Green Pass”. Authorities are threatening to carry out random checks.

Italy: “Green Pass” will be extended from September

The obligation to present a “Green Pass” applies not only to restaurants, but also to museums and stadiums, but also to indoor swimming pools, saunas and concerts. From September 1st it should also be mandatory for rail travelers.

For travelers, one aspect is particularly important: showing the vaccination or test certificate in the CovPass app from Germany is also accepted in Italy. (tu) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

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