EntertainmentGamesIt's official now! The next TimeSplitters begins its development...

It's official now! The next TimeSplitters begins its development with the return of the Free Radical Design studio

It has taken more than two and a half years, since Koch Media acquired the rights to TimeSplitters and Second Sight, for the development of the next TimeSplitters to become official . And the good news does not end there.

The reason is that Deep Silver has just confirmed that part of the original team of Free Radical Design , creators of both the entire saga of TimeSplitters and Second Sight (let’s draw a thick veil for Haze, yes), will be in this project, among them two of the founders of the study, Steve Ellis and David Doak.

We are, therefore, before a reform of Free Radical Design. Because we must not forget that since 2009 it was renamed Crytek UK , its first work being Crysis 2. Its journey there was short, since they closed in 2014 after a small collaboration in the multiplayer section of Crysis 3. Then part of its creators responsible Dambuster Studios, his first work being Homefront: The Revolution, which included a playable Easter Egg from TimeSplitters 2 , recently seeing that the entire video game is inside it through a trick.

More than two decades later, since the first TimeSplitters of the year 2000 , we are happy to know now that the saga will continue its trajectory officially (let’s not forget that TimeSplitters Rewind in charge of the fans) preserving its hallmark, such as humorous references to pop culture and time travel.

In the words of Paul Nicholls, CEO of Brand and Marketing at Deep Silver:

It is his unique style that has earned the TimeSplitters series a huge following of passionate fans who will undoubtedly be delighted with the formation of the latest Deep Silver studio and will be eager to learn more as the franchise progresses.

Steve Ellis, development director at Free Radical Design, is excited about the studio’s return as well, although they can’t say anything more about the project at the moment, but are “looking forward to sharing information in the future.” However, the official development will begin in the next months, as they say, since they are focusing first on the construction of the study in the vicinity of Nottingham. So the game goes on for a long time .

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