NewsJerusalem: At least 24 Palestinians killed in Gaza by...

Jerusalem: At least 24 Palestinians killed in Gaza by Israeli bombings and 700 wounded

Maximum tension in Israel. The conflict is intensifying and there are already at least 24 Palestinians killed, including nine children, in the Israeli aviation bombardments on the Gaza Strip in retaliation for the launch of rockets from this Palestinian enclave in the direction of Jerusalem. Gaza has reported on these 24 “martyrs” whose deaths have been certified in the Beit Hanun hospital, in the northern Gaza Strip. There are also 75 injured, of which four are in critical condition. After the news broke, Israeli military sources have blamed the explosion that killed the children on a failed rocket launch by Palestinian militias. The rocket was going to be launched towards Israeli territory but “went wrong”, according to an Israeli military official quoted by Israeli television. In addition, the Israeli Army has published a video in which it assures that one of the latest bombings can be seen and how the projectile hits three members of Hamas who are launching rockets. In total, the Israeli military has reported eight Hamas militants attacked while firing rockets. Rockets into Jerusalem Israel has shelled the Gaza Strip in response to the firing of up to seven projectiles from this enclave in the direction of Jerusalem, the epicenter of a wave of protests that It has caused serious disturbances between Palestinian protesters and the Israeli Police. The conflicts already leave more than 700 injured. According to the newspaper ‘The Times of Israel’, there have been seven rockets launched from the Gaza Strip and one of them would have been intercepted by the anti-aircraft defenses. The rest have fallen in open areas.The rockets have landed in other areas closer to the Gaza Strip, although sirens have also sounded in cities such as Tel Aviv, where bomb shelters have even been opened. The Israeli Army has counted more than 150 rockets launched from Gaza into Israeli territory, “dozens” of which have been intercepted by anti-aircraft systems. Most of the projectiles have landed in the open field, but one has caused minor injuries by cuts to the ground. a man traveling in his vehicle near Sderot due to a broken car window. However, the Red Star of David has reported “dozens” of those affected by the rockets, the majority due to a commotion. The Israeli retaliation would have been approved by the Security Cabinet, the hard core of the Council of Ministers of the Israeli Government, that he would have thus ordered a “massive aerial bombardment” on Gaza, reports the Israeli daily ‘Yedioth Aharonoth’ in its digital edition. “Hamas must receive a severe blow and even so, everyone understands our limitations. We do not want long wars, “explained a source consulted by the newspaper, who expects hostilities to cease in two or three days. An Israeli military spokesman, Hidai Zilberman, has stated that” in the coming days Hamas will feel the long arm of the Army ». “It will not be a few minutes, but a few days,” he warned. Zilberman has not ruled out a ground incursion into Gaza. “Everything is on the table,” he assured. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu himself has appeared to warn that Israel will respond “with great force” to the rocket attacks from Gaza. “We will not tolerate attacks against our territory, our capital, our citizens or our soldiers,” he said.For Netanyahu, “the terrorist groups in Gaza have crossed a red line on the eve of Jerusalem Day and attacked us with rockets on the outskirts of Jerusalem,” he said. “Those who attack us will pay a high price,” he said, while stressing that Israel is not seeking an escalation. This escalation comes after warnings from the Palestinian group Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, which has threatened Israel. for the repression of the protests of the Palestinians in East Jerusalem At least 788 injured in Jerusalem The escalation in Gaza is closely related to the protests of the Palestinians in East Jerusalem, where precisely this Monday Zionism celebrated the anniversary of the taking of this part of the city in the 1967 Six Day War. More than 700 Palestinians have been injured in clashes with the Israeli police in East Jerusalem on Monday. The Palestinian Ministry of Health reported early Tuesday that in Israeli bombings in Gaza, 788 people have been injured by “the ongoing Israeli aggression” in the West Bank, including Jerusalem, and the Strip. The riots in Jerusalem, developed Mainly in the Esplanade of the Mosques – the third sacred place for Muslims – 612 were injured this Monday, of which 411 have been transferred to hospitals, while 95 people have been injured in the bombings in the Gaza Strip, reports the Palestinian agency WAFA. Among the wounded are Palestinian Red Crescent health workers who worked to help the wounded, according to the organization itself. “They continue to attack the Palestinian MLR medical teams in Jerusalem.I am not a target, “the agency has published on its Twitter account along with an image of an injured health worker.” There are people injured in the head by the impact of rubber bullets, “explained a spokesman for the Palestinian Red Crescent. . In addition, the Police have reported 32 injured officers, of which six have been hospitalized. The clashes began early in the morning. The Police have denounced the throwing of stones from the Esplanade of the Mosques, the third sacred place for the Muslim religion, while the Palestinians have pointed out the agents for firing stun grenades at the protesters. The clashes ended after the withdrawal of the Police from the Damascus Gate area. After hours of relative calm, riots broke out on Monday afternoon due to the visit of the leader of the Religious Zionist Party, Bezalel Smotrich, to the neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrá accompanied by other deputies from his formation and hundreds of far-right sympathizers taking advantage of the Jerusalem Day celebration, which commemorates the taking of East Jerusalem during the 1967 Six Day War.

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