NewsKatie Price pleads guilty after accident

Katie Price pleads guilty after accident

Drunk driving: British ex-model Katie Price was in a serious car accident. And shows up confidently.

Crawley – Drunk and without a license: Former British model Katie Price has confessed to several offenses after a traffic accident.

As the PA news agency reported, the 43-year-old pleaded guilty to a court on Wednesday of driving under the influence of alcohol, even though she had neither a valid driver’s license nor insurance at the time. According to the prosecutor, a drug test revealed that Price had also used cocaine, the BBC reported. Her lawyer said in court that Price currently has a lot of personal problems. For example, she is currently going through bankruptcy proceedings.

Price was arrested Tuesday morning after an accident in the southern county of Sussex and taken to hospital. According to the BBC report, Price was not reported to have suffered any serious injuries. A photo the police released showed a car lying on its side. No other vehicles were involved. dpa

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