LivingKaty Perry expresses breast milk in a video to...

Katy Perry expresses breast milk in a video to support breastfeeding, demand better maternity leave and encourage voting

For several years now, we have seen a number of celebrities, from models to singers, share a position of support for breastfeeding, whether it is breastfeeding in public or talking about their experience.

Now that she is a mother, the singer Katy Perry joins them, but in a very special way, because in addition to supporting breastfeeding by appearing in a video expressing milk , she also encourages the vote to fight for better maternity leave.

As part of an initiative by actress Jane Fonda, the singer and other American celebrities have appeared in a video to encourage their followers to vote in the upcoming elections.

But in the case of Katy, who recently became a mother, she took the opportunity to send another important message: normalize breastfeeding in public and fight for better maternity policies in the workplace .

It is known by all that despite being one of the most developed countries, the United States is one of the few that does not have paid maternity leave , only 84 days leave, with the exception of some companies that do have paid leave . And let’s not even talk about breastfeeding spaces at work.

Furthermore, it is also a country in which a considerable number of the population considers breastfeeding or expressing human milk in public as unacceptable or indecent , despite the many efforts that have been made to promote and normalize breastfeeding.

For this reason, and on the occasion of the next elections that will take place in November, the singer was encouraged to participate in the campaign that encouraged voting, and took the opportunity to put on the table the issue of breastfeeding and the lack of support that exists. for nursing mothers , both in public and in the workplace.


This is not the first time that the singer talks about maternity leave in particular, since since she became a mother, she has published various aspects of her motherhood on her social networks , such as the famous postpartum selfie that we shared a few weeks ago.

A few days ago, for example, she published the following message on her Twitter account: ” Popular misconception: being a mother is not a full-time job “, followed by clarifying that when a mother returns to work, she does not come from having one ” vacations “, in addition to reminding his followers to call their mothers to tell them that they love and value them, as well as fight for paid maternity and paternity leave .

Photo | Instagram – Katy Perry
Via | Motherly
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