SportLa Liga is also invisible in the Eurocup: it...

La Liga is also invisible in the Eurocup: it only adds one of the 71 goals scored to date

La Liga has become an irrelevant competition in the Eurocup. The Spanish tournament had been touched after being surpassed in representation by the Premier League (122), Bundesliga (89) and Serie A (71) by the 39 ‘Spaniards’ who have been chosen by their national teams to compete in the maximum continental tournament of national teams. European. Now the data leave a scenario as little worrisome for the interests of Javier Tebas, who this summer faces a tough negotiation for the renewal of the television rights contract. Only one of the 64 goals achieved to date in the European Championship has been the work of a player who played in the Spanish League in the outgoing season – 2020/21 -.

Antoine Griezmann has saved the honor of the League in this sense, being the only one who has managed to wet the representatives of the Spanish competition. The baggage is very poor for a Javier Tebas who not too long ago sold the slogan that his competition was ‘The best league in the world’ and that now it has been portrayed by the facts. There is no simple way to explain the regression of a competition that now sees with suspicion how Cristiano Ronaldo is the top scorer of the Eurocup. The words of the president of the club’s employers’ association still reverberate saying that the Portuguese’s departure “was hardly going to be noticed.”

The League has lost quality since Tebas entered as president in 2013. The exits of symbols such as Neymar, Cristiano, Iniesta or Ramos, together with the absence of notable players such as Lucas Hernández, Rodri, Morata, Ferrán Torres or Laporte have considerably lowered the level of a competition that has not only decreased in quality, but also the interest of the fans have been more than resentful.

Now the Euro is showing a breeding ground that had been simmering for some time. The Spanish competition has lagged behind others because of a television cast where the little ones earn a lot of money, while the big ones bleed out. Thebes must find a solution because things can get worse as time goes by. Neither Madrid nor Barça nor Atlético have the economic muscle to compete no longer with City or PSG, but even with more contained powers such as Juventus, Bayern or United.

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