NewsLockdowns have reduced urban crime worldwide

Lockdowns have reduced urban crime worldwide

Exit restrictions and curfew during the corona pandemic have resulted in less urban crime. This is the result of a worldwide study.

Cambridge / Utrecht (dpa) – According to a recent study, crime in cities has fallen worldwide due to the corona restrictions.

“No drunks scattering in the streets after the pub or bar. No days that are spent in shops, cafes, on the racetrack or at football games, ”explains violence researcher Manuel Eisner from Cambridge University, according to a press release. “Some cities even had curfew hours. The opportunities that encourage urban crime have been stifled. “

A research team led by scientists from the Universities of Cambridge and Utrecht has examined in 27 cities worldwide – including Barcelona, Chicago, Sao Paolo and Tel Aviv – how the number of crimes has developed before and during the corona restrictions. The first results have now been published online.

As a German city, Hanover was also examined. The decline in crime there was a little less than the international average.

The daily number of attacks fell by an average of 35 percent in all cities, and pickpockets even fell by almost half. In the case of murders, the decline was less pronounced, averaging 14 percent. “In many societies, a significant proportion of murders are committed at home. The urban restrictions on movement therefore had little effect on domestic murders, ”said researcher Amy Nivette from the University of Utrecht.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210603-99-843432 / 2

Link to the study (as press information)

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