NewsMan dies on construction site - homicide detective

Man dies on construction site – homicide detective

A 24-year-old dies in the lounge of a construction site. What happened? The police do not rule out third-party negligence.

Berlin – After a death on a construction site in Berlin-Mitte, the homicide commission is investigating. A 24-year-old died on Saturday afternoon in the lounge of a construction site at the Sony Center on Potsdamer Platz, a police spokesman said.

Rescue workers had therefore tried in vain to resuscitate the man. The circumstances of death were initially unclear, but third-party negligence could not be ruled out, it said on Saturday.

The police were on site with special forces. When asked, the police did not confirm information from a dpa reporter that one person had been arrested. Officials are currently questioning the workers at the construction site, the police spokesman said on Saturday afternoon. It was not immediately known whether there were other injuries. dpa

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