FunMercadona buys almost a ton of potatoes from Álava...

Mercadona buys almost a ton of potatoes from Álava with Euskolabel

The potato is a very important food in the diet of young and old. In addition to being very versatile, it has very interesting nutritional properties for the proper functioning of the body. Mercadona has maintained a commitment to local fruit and vegetables for years, so it has acquired 948,000 kilos of potatoes from Álava with Euskolabel, which represents an increase of 49% compared to the previous campaign. This has been communicated by the Valencian company through its website. The Álava potato with Euskolabel is a quality seal that certifies that the product meets a series of high quality requirements defined in the Regulation prepared by Producers and Technicians. HAZI is in charge of the control of the seal, an organization that promotes the primary sector in the Basque Country. Origin of the potato It is of special interest to know the origin of this food. Historical records date its origin 8,000 years ago in Peru and Bolivia. The Spanish conquerors brought the potato to Europe, although at first it was only used as a garden plant for its flowers. It was not until the eighteenth century when its use in the kitchen was expanded by the hand of the French Antoine Parmentier and the Irishman Enrique Doyle. What benefits does the potato offer for health? The benefits of the potato are very wide. It is a food with a high carbohydrate content, so it provides a lot of energy at a physical and mental level. In addition, 75% of its composition is water, so it hydrates the body. To all this must be added that it is a rich source of vitamins B and C, minerals such as magnesium and iron, and folic acid. The content of B6 stands out, a nutrient that stimulates cell renewal and cares for the nervous system.For this reason, potatoes are said to be one of the best foods for reducing stress levels, but knowing how to cook potatoes is important to enjoy all its benefits. French fries can be made, but only occasionally because a lot of fat is added this way. It is best to steam potatoes to preserve their nutritional properties and avoid fat. If you want to buy the best quality potatoes, at Mercadona you can find Álava potatoes with the Euskolabel seal.

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