SportMir stands up for Márquez: "This is not arriving,...

Mir stands up for Márquez: "This is not arriving, I am Márquez, I take it off and do what I want"

Joan Mir finished fifth in the MotoGP Spanish Grand Prix and placed fourth in the World Championship standings, 17 points behind the leader, Pecco Bagnaia. After the race he talked about his feelings and about Marc Márquez. The Balearic pilot broke a spear for the ilerdense and ensures that he continues to count on him for the fight for the title. “I always count on Marc,” he commented and then affirmed that “being a year away is not easy” and this was not going to be “arriving, I’m Marc Márquez, I take it off and do whatever I want.” I always count on Marc. His situation is complicated. Surely, he would think that after sweeping, as he swept, in 2019, and began in 2020, it would be easier for him to catch the thread, but being a year away is not easy. And he is living it. Marc, many times he has made us doubt if he was an alien or was he human. When you see that these people also suffer in difficult moments, it is when you realize that they are also human, that these problems are difficult, that it is not getting there, huh! I am Marc Márquez and this is MotoGP and I take it out and do it. what I want, no. This is hard. In MotoGP every year there is more level, there are more prepared riders, there is more equality of motorcycles. Even if you are Marc Márquez this is so. We never doubt the talent and abilities of Marc, and surely he is having a hard time, but even so he is in the ‘top 10’ in the races that he is finishing, I want to say congratulations for him ”, said Mir after the GP of MotoGP Spain.Márquez is suffering on his return, but in the two races he has competed he has managed to finish in the top 10: seventh at Portimao and ninth at Jerez.Little by little he is gaining sensations after nine months out and, although he finished in a worse position than in Portugal, he was less time than the first in the last test. He is 50 points behind the leader and that complicates his title options a lot, although as Mir says, you always have to count on Cervera’s. The man from Lleida is capable of working miracles as he has shown on other occasions, there is still a long season ahead and he has earned the right to be a candidate for the title despite the great disadvantage with which he starts. “I’m not worried about the title” For his part, Joan Mir, current world champion in the premier category, is fourth overall although he admits that he is not looking at the classification. The Suzuki rider explained that he is experiencing the start of the season he expected, he even thought it would be more difficult, but he is managing to get the races ahead with good results. “I’m not worried about the title because, really, I’m not looking at the general,” revealed the Mallorcan. “I’m not worried at all. I’m not worried about the title because I’m not really looking at the overall. I am giving one hundred percent of each race, trying to score as much as I can and arrive. We are seeing that there are drivers who are starting stronger than us. We are behind, but I was counting on this beginning of the season, which would be even more difficult. Last year I was able to win the World Championship and I was a lot slower in Jerez. And it cost me much more. That happened in Portimao, but we were able to be on the podium. In Qatar, I was also fighting for the podium. We are doing well, we are having a good season. What is expected of us? Win every race? It is that I do not expect that nor we.Here, our one hundred percent has been a fifth, “he commented when asked about the World Cup.

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