Living"My child doesn't..." Parents' Big 9 Concerns About Childhood...

"My child doesn't…" Parents' Big 9 Concerns About Childhood Milestones and When to See the Pediatrician

The development of children in their first months and years of life is fascinating, because in a short time great changes and advances take place that will serve them for the rest of their lives.

But it is important to keep in mind that each child evolves at their own pace , so although there are some general patterns that help guide us in the deadlines, we should not be strict, overwhelm or compare our children with others.

However, there are certain issues related to the child’s food, sleep or growth, among others, that often generate doubts and concerns among parents . We review what are the most common doubts in the pediatric consultation and when we should really worry.

No how

Food is a topic that frequently appears in the pediatric consultation. Many parents come in concerned because they think their child is not eating enough or because they have noticed that they used to eat more and now seem to have lost interest in food.

During the first year of life, the baby can go through different phases with food in which he shows more or less appetite , without this being a problem in most cases.

Around the age of two or three, many children go through a completely normal phase of neophobia, in which they begin to reject food and become more picky about food. Although it can be exasperating for parents, it is important that we learn to trust our children, do not pressure them or force them to eat and consult the pediatrician with any questions about it.

does not sleep

Children’s sleep is one of the great concerns of parents during the first months, and even years of their children’s lives. Not in vain, this issue causes parents to lose many hours of rest each year, so it is not surprising that we desperately ask ourselves: when will my baby sleep all night?

However, it is important to understand that the baby’s sleep is a long and maturational process that evolves as the child grows.

Thus, during the first months of life, sleep does not have an established pattern , so the baby sleeps most of it without differentiating between day and night . Circadian rhythms will not fully develop until five or six months, although this does not mean that the baby is going to sleep exclusively at night, and that he does it at the same time.

Each child has their own rhythm and their own needs, and it is as normal for some babies to sleep through the night without waking up, as it is for them to wake up several times or not to sleep more than six hours in a row.

Children’s sleep requires time, patience and love. Rest routines and certain tricks that promote relaxation will help your child fall asleep. However, if you have any questions or the issue worries you, do not hesitate to consult your pediatrician.

Does not grow

The growth of the child is a complex process in which several factors intervene, mainly genetic, but also environmental. In addition, it is a dynamic process in which the speed of growth must be taken into account, and not just the isolated value at a given moment.

For this reason, and although all children go through the same stages of growth, it is important to bear in mind that your child’s growth in weight and height is unique and exclusive, and cannot be compared with that of other children.

Be sure to consult your doctor with any concerns in this regard, although rest assured that if there were any problem, the pediatrician would identify it right away during the child’s check-ups and check-ups.

No cat

Although crawling is very important for the development of the child, not all babies do it and some go on to walk directly. There is nothing wrong with that, nor is it a cause for concern, as long as the child is free to move around on the floor and choose which way they want to move.

Does not walk

There is no exact time that tells us when babies should start walking . Some begin to take their first steps at 10 months, while others do so at 15 or even 18, without in most cases there being any medical reason that justifies why some babies walk earlier and others later.

Does not control sphincters

Leaving the diaper is a process that the baby must do at his own pace , when he is ready and without pressure. In this sense, parents must understand that the diaper does not always have to be left in the summer, nor before starting school if the child has not yet reached sufficient maturity to control the sphincters.

When a child is showing signs of being ready for diapering, and parents are respectfully accompanying them, the process is usually quick, comfortable, and uneventful , although leaking will be completely normal.

On the contrary, when the child who was already controlling his sphincters perfectly suddenly shows a clear and continued setback, is afraid of pooping or continues to wet the bed beyond the age of five, it is necessary to consult with the pediatrician.

does not speak

Language development is another of the great concerns of parents, especially when we find children of the same age as ours capable of making a speech, while our son does not articulate a word.

Sometimes, it is the parents themselves who fall into behavioral errors that do not help to stimulate the language of our children, although other times it is due to a simple matter of maturity, because as happens with any other aspect of development, in the acquisition of language each child has his own rhythm .

If you still believe that your child has a language delay or shows certain warning signs, do not hesitate to consult a specialist because if there is a problem, early intervention is key .

Doesn’t point fingers

According to experts, children start pointing fingers at around nine or 10 months of age . This simple gesture arises naturally and constitutes an important communicative element that is key in their social development and language acquisition.

Parents can help encourage this gesture in the baby to encourage communication with them. If around a year and a half, the child does not use this communicative resource, it could be a cause for alert for parents , since it could indicate an autism spectrum disorder.

He doesn’t know how to play alone

Many children do not know how to play by themselves and continually demand their parents’ attention to entertain themselves. During certain stages of life this is expected to happen , because parents are the best toy for our children.

But as they grow older, solo play becomes a fundamental aspect of children’s development , because through it they learn to make decisions, determine what they like and what they don’t, and even get to know each other. a little better.

That is why parents must ensure that our children play alone from time to time, thus promoting their autonomy. Even so, if your little one has difficulty playing alone , it is important to understand that there is nothing wrong with it, and always accompany him in a loving and respectful way.

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