Living"Neo has shown me that another upbringing is possible...

"Neo has shown me that another upbringing is possible and equally effective": Natalia Sánchez's reflection on her second child

All of us who have had more than one child have found that children are not alike, and that the way of raising one does not work for another, or that with a baby and a small child your way of dealing with their development changes. Besides, we have already learned with the first one and we no longer aspire for everything to be perfect. Even so, it is gratifying to hear from celebrities how life has changed after the birth of their second child and to see that they too are stressed and have to adapt to their new motherhood.

And among them rests the actress Natalia Sánchez , who usually shares with her followers on Instagram her adventures as a mother in such a natural and real way, that she conquers all her followers. On this occasion he surprises us with a sincere reflection on what the birth of his second child has meant, six months ago , in full confinement.

Like most women, she recognizes that nobody teaches you to be a mother but that with the second child it seems that nothing is new and that everything is going smoothly: “Neo has come into the world to show me, as a good second child, that another form of parenting is possible and equally effective.

“Only living a first child, you can enjoy the second more”

The actress, who rose to fame for her role in the series “Los Serrano”, raves about her baby “this smiling ball” who is turning six months old and talks about him as only the love of a mother knows how to do it:

“Only 6 months ago we did not put a face on it and today I cannot imagine a single day without seeing that perennial smile full of drool and incipient teeth”.

He speaks of his son as a “more patient, calmer and more adaptable” baby than his sister Lia (who will be two years old in January 2021). But she acknowledges that her more relaxed attitude as “mother of a second child” also has to do with her behavior:

“The experience is a degree and I am a completely different mother … Neo has gone to the pediatrician half as Lia at this age, and not because less things have happened to him, but because I take them more calmly and most I’ve already lived them with Lia. “

He admits that he would have liked someone to have transmitted that calm and “wisdom” to him, his eldest daughter was born, but he reflects and points out that “it had to be that way. Just living with a first child, you can enjoy the second more because even though theory helps and a lot), there is nothing like practice, which is what really fixes on each of your bones and becomes part of your experience “.

Of course, as all ‘bimadres’ know, not everything is perfect in raising the second child and insecurity and guilt also make an appearance, because we do not pay as much attention to the second as to the first (or so we think) and it is that as Natalia admits “more than anything because I have not managed to divide myself in two”.

But being an experienced mother also has its advantages to relativize things because “I see that it really does not have it and I do not have time to think much about it”, which helps very demanding people.

“The level of stress increases exponentially”

But raising a second child is not all a bed of roses, and of course Natalia admits it.

“The joys (and complications) multiply, but time divides and that causes the stress level to increase exponentially.”

“But everything compensates when you see the two of them together and a feeling of ‘tribe’, which it did not have when we were three, invades you in the deepest part …” , recognizes the actress who shows how much she adores her family because “Neo You are a gift from heaven that does not stop teaching me and making me grow day after day. “


I do not know what you think, but it has made me remember those days when I fought with insecurity and guilt after the birth of the little one and at the same time I drool when I saw the brothers together and I smiled calmly knowing that I deserved the shame and much. And today, years later, when I look at my children, I know those thoughts were real.

Photos | Instagram Natalia Sánchez

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