A Corona case in Berlin makes doctors suspicious: A man shows an atypical symptom, which can still occur after recovery.
Berlin/Kassel – After several fainting spells, a 35-year-old from Berlin was taken to the emergency room of a clinic. The investigation found that the man was infected with Corona*. Otherwise nothing was missing. Doctors now expect that a circulatory disorder leading to fainting could be related to the virus.
As the specialist journal ärztezeitung.de reports, the Berlin doctors are not the first to have observed such a connection. A US study with more than 14,000 participants found out in autumn 2021 that around every 25th person develops so-called syncope in the early phase of a corona infection. People over the age of 60 were particularly affected.
Sudden fainting as a corona symptom? Researchers are looking for the cause
In medicine, sudden loss of consciousness can often be traced back to severe emotional stress, cardiovascular disorders or vascular diseases. In the meantime, however, it could also indicate a corona infection. However, the authors of the study consider it much more of an early warning sign. Another corona study also observed a new symptom, which indicates an omicron infection *.
So far, however, it is still unclear why fainting spells are caused by a Covid disease. High blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, heart disease or medications taken could still play a role. In addition, syncopation is also possible as a side effect of long-Covid. A US study, for example, reported that those who had recovered were still struggling with recurring unconsciousness after a few weeks. (Alina Schröder) *hna.de is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.