NewsNew rain in the crisis region: Volunteers should leave...

New rain in the crisis region: Volunteers should leave an area immediately – police are fighting with traffic chaos

At the weekend, regions that have already been badly hit could be hit again by storms. First security measures have been taken.

  • Again the DWD warns of severe storms * in the southwest of Germany (see first report from July 24th)
  • Because of new rains and blocked roads, volunteers should leave an area in Rhineland-Palatinate as soon as possible (see update, July 24, 3:53 p.m.)
  • Many helpers clogged the few passable roads in the region in their cars. (See update, July 24, 5:11 p.m.)
  • This news ticker is updated regularly.

Update from July 24th, 6.15 p.m.: In addition to the crisis areas in Rhineland-Palatinate, new rain could also lead to problems in North Rhine-Westphalia. There are still mountains of bulky waste on many streets. If, for example, large amounts of rain flush rubbish to the drains, they could become clogged. The State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection therefore warned the citizens: “Stop working on the waterways when the rain comes.” Local heavy rain can occur on waterways where the runoff is through sand or gravel banks, trees and other debris from the past Storms already affected, suddenly lead to local flooding.

New rain in the crisis regions: garbage becomes a problem – office warns of local flooding

The DWD issued an official level 2 warning for NRW on Saturday afternoon. Thunderstorms are said to bring squalls (around 70 km / h), heavy rain and hail. According to the DWD forecast, the amount of precipitation will remain at 20 to 30 liters per square meter within six hours. For comparison: In the past week, extensive continuous rain with rain amounts of more than 150 liters per square meter caused the flood catastrophe in parts of North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate.

Update from July 24th, 5:11 p.m.: While the rain in the disaster region Ahrweiler is coming from the sky again, the police have to deal with a major traffic chaos. Nothing is going on. The cars of emergency services, garbage trucks and, above all, numerous voluntary helpers are jammed for kilometers on the few roads that are still passable after the heavy storms of the past few weeks. This becomes a problem when important rescue workers can no longer get through.

In the early afternoon, the police asked all volunteers in the Ahr crisis area to leave it as quickly as possible due to the difficult circumstances there. The exit Dreieck Bad-Neuenahr (30) in the direction of Ahrtal (A61 / A573) was “closed to all traffic IMMEDIATELY due to the traffic situation” according to the Twitter account of the Koblenz police.

Unwetter in Deutschland: Ein THW-Helfer im Hochwasser-Krisengebiet Altenahr, Kreis Ahrweiler. Hier soll es am Samstag wieder Gewitter und Regen geben.


Renewed rain could become a danger in the storm regions in Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia

Another storm warning for crisis areas in Rhineland-Palatinate: evacuation with shuttle buses

Update from July 24th, 3:53 p.m .: In Rhineland-Palatinate, rains have set in again – and evacuations have been offered. According to the DWD, local heavy rain (see previous update) is to be expected. From Sunday morning around 6 a.m., the weather situation could worsen.

An evacuation offer has therefore been made to the communities particularly affected, said the civil protection staff. In Schuld, Insul, Dümpelfeld and Bad Neuenahr, people should be able to be brought to an emergency shelter in Leimersdorf by shuttle buses.

“That is what the people decide for themselves,” says director Begona Hermann, because the weather is not as bad as it was last week. “But we have a sewage system that is no longer working.” Therefore, the rains would have a different effect than ten days ago.

Volunteers in the Ahr crisis area should leave it as quickly as possible due to the difficult circumstances there. This was announced by the Supervision and Service Directorate (ADD) on Saturday. The reason she named was the heavy rainfall that weekend, the destroyed infrastructure and the unclear traffic situation.

Nach der Hochwasserkatastrophe: Ein in Trümmern liegendes und mit Schlamm bedecktes Haus in Ahrbrück.


After the flood disaster: A house in ruins and covered with mud in Ahrbrück.

Update from July 24th, 3:15 p.m.: The people in Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia have to prepare for new storms after the catastrophic flooding with at least 179 fatalities. As the German Meteorological Service reported on Saturday, storms due to heavy rain are expected to be “locally limited”.

Storm warning in Rhineland-Palatinate: Emergency vehicles and construction machines are stuck in a traffic jam – attacks on THW emergency services

Emergency vehicles from the technical relief organization are currently on the way to the crisis region. Vice-President Sabine Lackner complained about attacks against emergency services on site. “It goes so far that our helpers are insulted. When they are out and about with emergency vehicles, they are thrown with garbage, ”she told RTL / ntv.

The Koblenz police reacted with dismay to the reports that such incidents were not yet known from their area. Instead, the Presidium had to fight with helpers who ensured that all the access roads to the Ahr Valley and the roads in the disaster area were completely overloaded.

Currently, no large construction machines, which are needed for building roads and bridges or for rebuilding the drinking water supply in the disaster area, cannot reach the locations and are stuck in a traffic jam.

Another warning in Rhineland-Palatinate: DWD expects severe thunderstorms in the southwest

First report from July 24th:
Offenbach am Main – After the severe storm and the resulting floods in North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate, the German Weather Service (DWD) is again expecting dangerous weather * in the regions on the border with France and Luxembourg. In a large area that includes the southwest of Rhineland-Palatinate and the entire Saarland, according to the weather service, severe thunderstorms could occur again on Saturday afternoon (July 24th).

Another storm warning in Rhineland-Palatinate: DWD expects storm, hail, heavy rain

The DWD expects gusts of wind that sweep across the country at a speed of around 100 kilometers per hour. In addition, hail * with grain sizes of three centimeters could occur, while heavy rain with 30 liters per square meter pelts the earth within a short period of time. According to the forecast, the thunderstorms will occur between 4 p.m. and 11 p.m.

Der Deutsche Wetterdienst prognostiziert erneut schwere Gewitter in den Hochwasser-Regionen in Rheinland-Pfalz.


The German Weather Service is again forecasting severe thunderstorms in the flood regions in Rhineland-Palatinate.

At this point in time (as of 11.30 a.m.), the message is not yet a specific warning, but initially a preliminary information. Therefore, a relatively large area is potentially affected by strong thunderstorms *. In the further course of the afternoon a more precise delimitation of the affected area should be possible.

Storm warning in Rhineland-Palatinate: disaster control is setting up emergency shelters

The disaster control in Rhineland-Palatinate has already responded to the report. In the flood region, an emergency shelter was set up for the citizens because of the forecast storms *. According to the supervisory and service directorate, information will be provided in possibly affected locations. “The preparations are ongoing. The population is warned again on social media and leaflets are distributed, “said a spokesman for the German press agency on Saturday morning.

According to the spokesman, there is no acute flood risk for the Ahr. Nevertheless, increased surface water can be expected in places where parts of the sewer system have been destroyed or blocked. This could lead to a new run of water in cellars locally. According to disaster control, the towns of Schuld, Insul and Dümpelfeld could be more affected by this. In addition, because of clogged inlets in the city of Bad Neuenahr and the local community of Müsch, water could be dammed up in the streets. The DWD also expects severe thunderstorms in southern Bavaria *.

The advance information from the DWD in the wording:

From the late afternoon onwards, some heavy thunderstorms are approaching from France and Luxembourg. Heavy gusts of wind (Bft 10) around 100 km / h must be expected. In addition, there can be hail with grain sizes around 3 cm and heavy rain around 30 l / m² in a short time.

This is an indication of a weather situation with a high potential for severe weather. It should enable the timely preparation of protective measures. Thunderstorms with the side effects mentioned typically occur very locally and usually only hit a few places with full intensity. More precise information on the place, area and time of the event can only be given when the official warnings are issued. Please pay special attention to the other weather forecasts. (As of: July 24th, 2021, 11.30 a.m.)

(lb / dpa) * and are an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

List of rubric lists: © Thomas Frey / dpa

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