NewsNo quick agreement in the dispute over the eviction...

No quick agreement in the dispute over the eviction of the clan villa

Despite the termination, members of an Arab clan do not move out of the confiscated villa in Berlin-Neukölln. This is obviously not going to change anytime soon.

Berlin – A dispute over the eviction of a confiscated villa of a well-known Arab-born clan in Berlin-Neukölln will keep the judiciary busy for a long time. The district of Neukölln and the accused family ruled out a settlement before the district court of Neukölln on Thursday.

Now the court is expected to hear witnesses as part of a hearing of evidence, as the judge indicated at the first hearing, which took place under increased police protection as a precaution.

Family denies allegations

The judge wants to announce on March 17 how things will continue in the case. In essence, it is about a rental agreement that the district believes is fake because there are discrepancies in the contract data. It is also unclear whether an administrator was employed for the property in the Buckow district. The family denies the allegations.

The house and property belong to 77 properties that the Berlin public prosecutor’s office confiscated in 2018. According to the authorities, these were not bought with legal money. In the case of the villa, there is a legally binding decision according to which the state of Berlin is the owner of the property. According to the district court of Neukölln, a corresponding entry in the land register was made in September 2020. As a municipality, the district of Neukölln is responsible for the house and property.

He gave notice to the family last August and set a deadline of October 2021 to move out. When the clan failed to vacate the mansion on November 1, the district went to court. As a reason for this, he cites in particular that the relationship of trust with the tenant was disturbed because a forged rental agreement had been presented.

District demands rent payments

The family refers to agreements with an administrator who worked for the property. Rent payments over 6,800 euros, which the district is still demanding, were also paid to an administrator, it said at the hearing. With reference to the ongoing proceedings, the family lawyer did not want to comment after the hearing.

According to a district spokesman, the validity of the rental agreement for the villa had initially not changed as a result of the change of ownership. However, the family also used a second property, the garden next to the villa. From the point of view of the district, she was not entitled to do so. During a police operation in July 2021, the authorities therefore put a fence between the properties to prevent further use. However, the clan wanted to continue using the garden. As a result, the disputed rental agreement is said to have been submitted.

Members of the clan to which the family belongs are repeatedly being investigated for acts of violence and property crime, and there have been final convictions in several cases. Saxon investigators are also convinced that the jewel theft in Dresden in November 2019 was due to members of the clan. The process is currently running before the Dresden Regional Court. Two of the six accused there are serving a youth sentence for the equally spectacular theft of a huge gold coin in 2017 from the Bode Museum in Berlin. dpa

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