NewsPartner and children killed - girl raped

Partner and children killed – girl raped

The bodies of a woman and three children are discovered in a house near Sheffield. The partner is now on trial. The public prosecutor’s office assumes another gruesome act.

Nottingham – A man in England charged with the murder of his partner and three children is believed to have raped one of the underage victims.

Prosecutors expanded their charges against the 31-year-old after reviewing further evidence, the PA news agency reported after a court hearing in Nottingham on Friday.

The bodies of the 35-year-old woman, her 13-year-old son, her 11-year-old daughter and another 11-year-old girl were discovered in September in a house in a small town near Sheffield. The rape victim is said to be the daughter of the woman who was killed. The act had caused a stir across the country. It is still unclear what motive the alleged perpetrator might have had. dpa

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