NewsPediatricians in Germany urgently recommend corona vaccination

Pediatricians in Germany urgently recommend corona vaccination

The vaccination rate for children and adolescents is currently increasing rapidly. Pediatricians recommend vaccination “generally and without restriction” for younger people.

Kassel – Have your own children vaccinated or not? Many parents in Germany are currently concerned with this question. The German Society for Child and Adolescent Medicine has now urged children and adolescents from the age of 12 to be vaccinated against Corona *.

“After data from over ten million children and adolescents have been collected, I recommend vaccination to over 12 year olds today in general and unreservedly, I advertise it as urgently as I do with adults,” said association president Jörg Dötsch the editorial network Germany. The risk-benefit assessment is clearly in favor of vaccination.

Pediatricians call for the corona vaccination: “Do not want the children to continue to be infected”

Regarding the corona situation in schools, Dötsch said: “We still do not want the children to be infected – but we also absolutely want to avoid the youngest having to suffer again from the consequences of the school closings and the isolation measures.” not even if they are very high regionally. “

Heinz-Peter Meidinger, President of the German Teachers’ Association, however, expressed concern: “Even if the general number of infections is currently still stagnating, the outbreaks of infections in schools are currently increasing to an extent that we have not known before in the course of the pandemic especially not at such an early point before winter ”, Meidinger told the Passauer Neue Presse.

Pediatricians are calling for the corona vaccination: normality in schools before spring is not possible

However, there is a “light at the end of the tunnel”: The vaccination rate for 12 to 17 year olds is currently increasing rapidly. “If there is a vaccination offer for everyone in this country, of course on a voluntary basis, then one can also return to largely normalcy in schools,” said Meidinger. But this will not be possible before spring.

Meanwhile, the proportion of vaccinated corona patients in intensive care units has increased *. According to the RKI, there is a logical explanation for this. (Luw / dpa) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

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