LivingPhysical exercise causes orgasms in women

Physical exercise causes orgasms in women

abdominales American scientists have shown that physical exercise can cause orgasms in women . This type of orgasm is sometimes called " coregasm ", given its association with exercises that involve the central abdominal muscles (called core in English), as explained by Debby Herbenick, co-author of the study and co-director of the Center for the Promotion of Sexual Health from Indiana University (USA).

In experiments with more than 350 women, ages 18 to 63, researchers found that abs caused 51 percent of exercise-induced orgasms, followed by weight lifting exercises (26.5%) , yoga (20%), cycling (15.8%), running (13.2%) and walking (9.6%).

"These data are interesting because they suggest that orgasm is not necessarily a sexual event," concludes Herbenick, although he admits that it is still unknown how often this phenomenon occurs in women and why physical exercise can induce these pleasurable sensations.

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